
System Engineering and Programming and IT



jupyter notebook

変数としてのarray の定義


In [1]:
$ary = @('power','shell')

In [2]:
In [3]:
$ary_empty = @()


In [4]:

In [5]:
$ary_other_def = 'power', 'shell', 'other', 'array'

In [6]:


In [7]:
$ary.GetType() | Format-List

Module                     : CommonLanguageRuntimeLibrary
Assembly                   : mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
TypeHandle                 : System.RuntimeTypeHandle
DeclaringMethod            : 
BaseType                   : System.Array
UnderlyingSystemType       : System.Object[]
FullName                   : System.Object[]
AssemblyQualifiedName      : System.Object[], mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, 
Namespace                  : System
GUID                       : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
IsEnum                     : False
GenericParameterAttributes : 
IsSecurityCritical         : False
IsSecuritySafeCritical     : False
IsSecurityTransparent      : True
IsGenericTypeDefinition    : False
IsGenericParameter         : False
GenericParameterPosition   : 
IsGenericType              : False
IsConstructedGenericType   : False
ContainsGenericParameters  : False
StructLayoutAttribute      : 
Name                       : Object[]
MemberType                 : TypeInfo
DeclaringType              : 
ReflectedType              : 
MetadataToken              : 33554432
GenericTypeParameters      : {}
DeclaredConstructors       : {Void .ctor(Int32)}
DeclaredEvents             : {}
DeclaredFields             : {}
DeclaredMembers            : {Void Set(Int32, System.Object), System.Object& Address(Int32), System.Object Get(Int32), 
                             Void .ctor(Int32)}
DeclaredMethods            : {Void Set(Int32, System.Object), System.Object& Address(Int32), System.Object Get(Int32)}
DeclaredNestedTypes        : {}
DeclaredProperties         : {}
ImplementedInterfaces      : {System.ICloneable, System.Collections.IList, System.Collections.ICollection, 
TypeInitializer            : 
IsNested                   : False
Attributes                 : AutoLayout, AnsiClass, Class, Public, Sealed, Serializable
IsVisible                  : True
IsNotPublic                : False
IsPublic                   : True
IsNestedPublic             : False
IsNestedPrivate            : False
IsNestedFamily             : False
IsNestedAssembly           : False
IsNestedFamANDAssem        : False
IsNestedFamORAssem         : False
IsAutoLayout               : True
IsLayoutSequential         : False
IsExplicitLayout           : False
IsClass                    : True
IsInterface                : False
IsValueType                : False
IsAbstract                 : False
IsSealed                   : True
IsSpecialName              : False
IsImport                   : False
IsSerializable             : True
IsAnsiClass                : True
IsUnicodeClass             : False
IsAutoClass                : False
IsArray                    : True
IsByRef                    : False
IsPointer                  : False
IsPrimitive                : False
IsCOMObject                : False
HasElementType             : True
IsContextful               : False
IsMarshalByRef             : False
GenericTypeArguments       : {}
CustomAttributes           : {[System.SerializableAttribute()]}

$ary | Get-Member

In [28]:
$ary | Get-Member | format-table Name, Definition
Name             Definition                                                                                            
----             ----------                                                                                            
Clone            System.Object Clone(), System.Object ICloneable.Clone()                                               
CompareTo        int CompareTo(System.Object value), int CompareTo(string strB), int IComparable.CompareTo(System.Ob...
Contains         bool Contains(string value)                                                                           
CopyTo           void CopyTo(int sourceIndex, char[] destination, int destinationIndex, int count)                     
EndsWith         bool EndsWith(string value), bool EndsWith(string value, System.StringComparison comparisonType), b...
Equals           bool Equals(System.Object obj), bool Equals(string value), bool Equals(string value, System.StringC...
GetEnumerator    System.CharEnumerator GetEnumerator(), System.Collections.IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(), ...
GetHashCode      int GetHashCode()                                                                                     
GetType          type GetType()                                                                                        
GetTypeCode      System.TypeCode GetTypeCode(), System.TypeCode IConvertible.GetTypeCode()                             
IndexOf          int IndexOf(char value), int IndexOf(char value, int startIndex), int IndexOf(char value, int start...
IndexOfAny       int IndexOfAny(char[] anyOf), int IndexOfAny(char[] anyOf, int startIndex), int IndexOfAny(char[] a...
Insert           string Insert(int startIndex, string value)                                                           
IsNormalized     bool IsNormalized(), bool IsNormalized(System.Text.NormalizationForm normalizationForm)               
LastIndexOf      int LastIndexOf(char value), int LastIndexOf(char value, int startIndex), int LastIndexOf(char valu...
LastIndexOfAny   int LastIndexOfAny(char[] anyOf), int LastIndexOfAny(char[] anyOf, int startIndex), int LastIndexOf...
Normalize        string Normalize(), string Normalize(System.Text.NormalizationForm normalizationForm)                 
PadLeft          string PadLeft(int totalWidth), string PadLeft(int totalWidth, char paddingChar)                      
PadRight         string PadRight(int totalWidth), string PadRight(int totalWidth, char paddingChar)                    
Remove           string Remove(int startIndex, int count), string Remove(int startIndex)                               
Replace          string Replace(char oldChar, char newChar), string Replace(string oldValue, string newValue)          
Split            string[] Split(Params char[] separator), string[] Split(char[] separator, int count), string[] Spli...
StartsWith       bool StartsWith(string value), bool StartsWith(string value, System.StringComparison comparisonType...
Substring        string Substring(int startIndex), string Substring(int startIndex, int length)                        
ToBoolean        bool IConvertible.ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                          
ToByte           byte IConvertible.ToByte(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                             
ToChar           char IConvertible.ToChar(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                             
ToCharArray      char[] ToCharArray(), char[] ToCharArray(int startIndex, int length)                                  
ToDateTime       datetime IConvertible.ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                     
ToDecimal        decimal IConvertible.ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                       
ToDouble         double IConvertible.ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                         
ToInt16          int16 IConvertible.ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                           
ToInt32          int IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                             
ToInt64          long IConvertible.ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                            
ToLower          string ToLower(), string ToLower(cultureinfo culture)                                                 
ToLowerInvariant string ToLowerInvariant()                                                                             
ToSByte          sbyte IConvertible.ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                           
ToSingle         float IConvertible.ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                          
ToString         string ToString(), string ToString(System.IFormatProvider provider), string IConvertible.ToString(S...
ToType           System.Object IConvertible.ToType(type conversionType, System.IFormatProvider provider)               
ToUInt16         uint16 IConvertible.ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                         
ToUInt32         uint32 IConvertible.ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                         
ToUInt64         uint64 IConvertible.ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                         
ToUpper          string ToUpper(), string ToUpper(cultureinfo culture)                                                 
ToUpperInvariant string ToUpperInvariant()                                                                             
Trim             string Trim(Params char[] trimChars), string Trim()                                                   
TrimEnd          string TrimEnd(Params char[] trimChars)                                                               
TrimStart        string TrimStart(Params char[] trimChars)                                                             
Chars            char Chars(int index) {get;}                                                                          
Length           int Length {get;}                                                                                     

In [10]:
Get-Member -InputObject $ary -MemberType Method | format-table Name, Definition
Name          Definition                                                                                               
----          ----------                                                                                               
Add           int IList.Add(System.Object value)                                                                       
Address       System.Object&, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Address(int )
Clear         void IList.Clear()                                                                                       
Clone         System.Object Clone(), System.Object ICloneable.Clone()                                                  
CompareTo     int IStructuralComparable.CompareTo(System.Object other, System.Collections.IComparer comparer)          
Contains      bool IList.Contains(System.Object value)                                                                 
CopyTo        void CopyTo(array array, int index), void CopyTo(array array, long index), void ICollection.CopyTo(arr...
Equals        bool Equals(System.Object obj), bool IStructuralEquatable.Equals(System.Object other, System.Collectio...
Get           System.Object Get(int )                                                                                  
GetEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator(), System.Collections.IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerat...
GetHashCode   int GetHashCode(), int IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode(System.Collections.IEqualityComparer comparer)   
GetLength     int GetLength(int dimension)                                                                             
GetLongLength long GetLongLength(int dimension)                                                                        
GetLowerBound int GetLowerBound(int dimension)                                                                         
GetType       type GetType()                                                                                           
GetUpperBound int GetUpperBound(int dimension)                                                                         
GetValue      System.Object GetValue(Params int[] indices), System.Object GetValue(int index), System.Object GetValu...
IndexOf       int IList.IndexOf(System.Object value)                                                                   
Initialize    void Initialize()                                                                                        
Insert        void IList.Insert(int index, System.Object value)                                                        
Remove        void IList.Remove(System.Object value)                                                                   
RemoveAt      void IList.RemoveAt(int index)                                                                           
Set           void Set(int , System.Object )                                                                           
SetValue      void SetValue(System.Object value, int index), void SetValue(System.Object value, int index1, int inde...
ToString      string ToString()                                                                                        

In [11]:
In [12]:
In [13]:
Exception calling "Add" with "1" argument(s): "Collection was of a fixed size."
At line:1 char:1
+ $ary.Add('Jupyter')
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NotSupportedException
In [14]:
$ary += 'Jupyter'

In [15]:
Get-Member -InputObject $ary -MemberType Property | format-table Name, Definition
Name           Definition                   
----           ----------                   
IsFixedSize    bool IsFixedSize {get;}      
IsReadOnly     bool IsReadOnly {get;}       
IsSynchronized bool IsSynchronized {get;}   
Length         int Length {get;}            
LongLength     long LongLength {get;}       
Rank           int Rank {get;}              
SyncRoot       System.Object SyncRoot {get;}

In [16]:
In [34]:
$ary | out-Default
In [17]:
$ary | foreach-object {$_.GetType().FullName; '>>' + $_}
In [18]:
foreach($ar in $ary)
  '>>' + $ar
In [19]:
In [20]:
$ary | ConvertTo-Csv
#TYPE System.String
In [21]:
$ary | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation
  • =>渡されたObjectのPropertyをカラムにして、CSVが作成される。この場合、Stringが渡されるので、そのPropertyのLengthがCSVとなる。
In [22]:
ConvertTo-Csv -inputObject $ary -NoTypeInformation
In [23]:
ConvertTo-Json -inputObject $ary
In [24]:
$ary | Convertto-Json
In [25]:
$ary -join ','
In [26]:
Get-Help about_array

    Describes arrays, which are data structures designed to store 
    collections of items.

    An array is a data structure that is designed to store a collection 
    of items. The items can be the same type or different types.

    Beginning in Windows PowerShell 3.0, a collection of zero or one
    object has some properties of arrays. 

    To create and initialize an array, assign multiple values to a variable.
    The values stored in the array are delimited with a comma and separated
    from the variable name by the assignment operator (=). 

    For example, to create an array named $A that contains the seven
    numeric (int) values of 22, 5, 10, 8, 12, 9, and 80, type:

        $A = 22,5,10,8,12,9,80

    You can also create and initialize an array by using the range 
    operator (..). For example, to create and initialize an array named 
    "$B" that contains the values 5 through 8, type:

        $B = 5..8

    As a result, $B contains four values: 5, 6, 7, and 8.

    When no data type is specified, Windows PowerShell creates each array as
    an object array (type: System.Object[]). To determine the data type of an array, 
    use the GetType() method. For example, to determine the data type of the
    $a array, type:


    To create a strongly typed array, that is, an array that can contain only
    values of a particular type, cast the variable as an array type, such 
    as string[], long[], or int32[]. To cast an array, precede the variable
    name with an array type enclosed in brackets. For example, to create a
    32-bit integer array named $ia containing four integers (1500, 2230, 3350,
    and 4000), type:

        [int32[]]$ia = 1500,2230,3350,4000

    As a result, the $ia array can contain only integers.

    You can create arrays that are cast to any supported type in the
    Microsoft .NET Framework. For example, the objects that Get-Process 
    retrieves to represent processes are of the System.Diagnostics.Process 
    type. To create a strongly typed array of process objects, enter the 
    following command:

        [Diagnostics.Process[]]$zz = Get-Process

    The array sub-expression operator creates an array, even if it 
    contains zero or one object.

    The syntax of the array operator is as follows:
        @( ... )

    You can use the array operator to create an array of zero or 
    one object. 

        PS C:\>$a = @("One")
        PS C:\>$a.Count

        PS C:\>$b = @()
        PS C:\>$b.Count

    The array operator is particularly useful in scripts when
    you are getting objects, but do not know how many objects 
    you will get. 

        PS C:\> $p = @(Get-Process Notepad)

    For more information about the array sub-expression operator,
    see about_Operators.

    You can refer to an array by using its variable name. To display all 
    the elements in the array, type the array name. For example:


    You can refer to the elements in an array by using an index, beginning
    at position 0. Enclose the index number in brackets. For example,
    to display the first element in the $a array, type:


    To display the third element in the $a array, type:


    Negative numbers count from the end of the array. For example, "-1" 
    refers to the last element of the array. To display the last three elements
    of the array, type:


    However, be cautious when using this notation.


    This command does not refer to all the elements of the array, except for 
    the last one. It refers to the first, last, and second-to-last elements
    in the array.
    You can use the range operator to display a subset of all the values in an 
    array. For example, to display the data elements at index position 1 
    through 3, type:


    You can use the plus operator (+) to combine a range with a list of
    elements in an array. For example, to display the elements at index
    positions 0, 2, and 4 through 6, type:


    To determine how many items are in an array, use the Length property
    or its Count alias.


    You can also use looping constructs, such as ForEach, For, and While loops,
    to refer to the elements in an array. For example, to use a ForEach loop
    to display the elements in the $a array, type: 

        foreach ($element in $a) {$element}
    The Foreach loop iterates through the array and returns each value in
    the array until reaching the end of the array.

    The For loop is useful when you are incrementing counters while examining
    the elements in an array. For example, to use a For loop to  return every
    other value in an array, type:

        for ($i = 0; $i -le ($a.length - 1); $i += 2) {$a[$i]}

    You can use a While loop to display the elements in an array until a 
    defined condition is no longer true. For example, to display the elements
    in the $a array while the array index is less than 4, type:

        while($i -lt 4) {$a[$i]; $i++}


    To get the properties and methods of an array, such as the Length 
    property and the SetValue method, use the InputObject parameter of the
    Get-Member cmdlet. 

    When you pipe an array to Get-Member, Windows PowerShell sends the items 
    one at a time and Get-Member returns the type of each item
    in the array (ignoring duplicates). 

    When you use the InputObject parameter, Get-Member returns the
    members of the array. 

    For example, the following command gets the members of the array in the
    $a variable.

        Get-Member -InputObject $a

    You can also get the members of an array by typing a comma (,) before
    the value that is piped to the Get-Member cmdlet. The comma makes the 
    array the second item in an array of arrays. Windows PowerShell pipes
    the arrays one at a time and Get-Member returns the members of the array. 

        ,$a | Get-Member

        ,(1,2,3) | Get-Member

    You can change the elements in an array, add an element to an array, and
    combine the values from two arrays into a third array.

    To change the value of a particular element in an array, specify the
    array name and the index of the element that you want to change, and then
    use the assignment operator (=) to specify a new value for the element. For
    example, to change the value of the second item in the $a array (index
    position 1) to 10, type:

        $a[1] = 10

    You can also use the SetValue method of an array to change a value. The
    following example changes the second value (index position 1) of the $a
    array to 500:


    You can use the += operator to add an element to an array. When you use
    it, Windows PowerShell actually creates a new array with the values of the
    original array and the added value. For example, to add an element with a 
    value of 200 to the array in the $a variable, type:

        $a += 200

    It is not easy to delete elements from an array, but you can create a new
    array that contains only selected elements of an existing array. For
    example, to create the $t array with all the elements in the $a array 
    except for the value at index position 2, type:

        $t = $a[0,1 + 3..($a.length - 1)]

    To combine two arrays into a single array, use the plus operator (+). The
    following example creates two arrays, combines them, and then displays
    the resulting combined array.

        $x = 1,3
        $y = 5,9
        $z = $x + $y

    As a result, the $z array contains 1, 3, 5, and 9.

    To delete an array, assign a value of $null to the array. The following
    command deletes the array in the $a variable. 

        $a = $null

    You can also use the Remove-Item cmdlet, but assigning a value of $null
    is faster, especially for large arrays.

    Beginning in Windows PowerShell 3.0, a collection of zero or one object 
    has the Count and Length property. Also, you can index into an array of
    one object. This feature helps you to avoid scripting errors that occur 
    when a command that expects a collection gets fewer than two items.

    The following examples demonstrate this feature.    
    #Zero objects
        $a = $null

    #One object
        $a = 4



In [ ]:
