
System Engineering and Programming and IT

Entries from 2018-04-01 to 1 month

Windows Special Folders

$ [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Startup")


List up ctrl-shift+x with hotkeys // --- end of hateb

Environment Variable on new PC

Set 'desktop folder' and 'desktop tool folder' into Environment Variable %PATH%.

Shortcuts in My Tools folder

I installed New PC and prepared tools. I uses these tools for better productivity.

My Desktop for new environment since 18/04/27

Desktop Shortcuts ctrl+shift+M : Mail ctrl+shift+B : Browser ctrl+shift+L : Chat (Chatwork) ctrl+shift+Q : Quick Access ctrl+shift+J : Notes List (CintaNotes) ctrl+shift+F12 : New Notes (CintaNotes) ctrl+F12 : clipboard into Notes ctrl+alt…

Browser Mouse Gesture Setting

Mouse Gesture Extention Edge Chrome FireFox マウスジェスチャー – Firefox 向けアドオン Gesture Action

Association and Dissociation