
System Engineering and Programming and IT




  • A Usage of get-command cmdlet

Image from Gyazo

jupyter notebook



In [33]:
Get-Help Get-Command -online

In [1]:
Get-Help Get-Command | Out-String -Stream | Set -Name ary_str

In [2]:
In [3]:
    Gets all commands.
    Get-Command [[-Name] <String[]>] [[-ArgumentList] <Object[]>] [-All] [-CommandType {Alias | Function | Filter | 
    Cmdlet | ExternalScript | Application | Script | Workflow | Configuration | All}] [-FullyQualifiedModule 
    <ModuleSpecification[]>] [-ListImported] [-Module <String[]>] [-ParameterName <String[]>] [-ParameterType 
    <PSTypeName[]>] [-ShowCommandInfo] [-Syntax] [-TotalCount <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]
In [4]:
get-help get-command | set -Name store

In [5]:
In [6]:
$store | format-list *

examples      : @{example=System.Management.Automation.PSObject[]}
inputTypes    : @{inputType=@{type=@{name=System.String}; description=System.Management.Automation.PSObject[]}}
alertSet      : @{alert=System.Management.Automation.PSObject[]}
syntax        : @{syntaxItem=System.Management.Automation.PSObject[]}
parameters    : @{parameter=System.Management.Automation.PSObject[]}
details       : @{description=System.Management.Automation.PSObject[]; verb=Get; noun=Command; name=Get-Command}
description   : {@{Text=The Get-Command cmdlet gets all commands that are installed on the computer, including 
                cmdlets, aliases, functions, workflows, filters, scripts, and applications. Get-Command gets the 
                commands from Windows PowerShell modules and snap-ins and commands that were imported from other 
                sessions. To get only commands that have been imported into the current session, use the ListImported 
                }, @{Text=Without parameters, a Get-Command command gets all of the cmdlets, functions, workflows and 
                aliases installed on the computer. A `Get-Command *` command gets all types of commands, including all 
                of the non-Windows PowerShell files in the Path environment variable ($env:path), which it lists in 
                the Application command type.
                }, @{Text=A Get-Command command that uses the exact name of the command, without wildcard characters, 
                automatically imports the module that contains the command so that you can use the command 
                immediately. To enable, disable, and configure automatic importing of modules, use the 
                $PSModuleAutoLoadingPreference preference variable. For more information, see 
                about_Preference_Variables ( in the Microsoft TechNet 
                library. Get-Command gets its data directly from the command code, unlike Get-Help, which gets its 
                information from help topics.
                }, @{Text=In Windows PowerShell 2.0, Get-Command gets only commands in current session. It does not 
                get commands from modules that are installed, but not imported. To limit Get-Command in Windows 
                PowerShell 3.0 and later versions to commands in the current session, use the ListImported parameter.
relatedLinks  : @{navigationLink=System.Management.Automation.PSObject[]}
returnValues  : @{returnValue=System.Management.Automation.PSObject[]}
xmlns:maml    :
xmlns:command :
xmlns:dev     :
xmlns:MSHelp  :
Name          : Get-Command
Category      : Cmdlet
Synopsis      : Gets all commands.
Component     : 
Role          : 
Functionality : 
PSSnapIn      : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core
ModuleName    : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core

In [7]:
The Get-Command cmdlet gets all commands that are installed on the computer, including cmdlets, aliases, functions, 
workflows, filters, scripts, and applications. Get-Command gets the commands from Windows PowerShell modules and 
snap-ins and commands that were imported from other sessions. To get only commands that have been imported into the 
current session, use the ListImported parameter.

Without parameters, a Get-Command command gets all of the cmdlets, functions, workflows and aliases installed on the 
computer. A `Get-Command *` command gets all types of commands, including all of the non-Windows PowerShell files in 
the Path environment variable ($env:path), which it lists in the Application command type.

A Get-Command command that uses the exact name of the command, without wildcard characters, automatically imports the 
module that contains the command so that you can use the command immediately. To enable, disable, and configure 
automatic importing of modules, use the $PSModuleAutoLoadingPreference preference variable. For more information, see 
about_Preference_Variables ( in the Microsoft TechNet library. 
Get-Command gets its data directly from the command code, unlike Get-Help, which gets its information from help topics.

In Windows PowerShell 2.0, Get-Command gets only commands in current session. It does not get commands from modules 
that are installed, but not imported. To limit Get-Command in Windows PowerShell 3.0 and later versions to commands in 
the current session, use the ListImported parameter.

Starting in Windows PowerShell 5.0, results of the Get-Command cmdlet display a Version column by default. A new 
Version property has been added to the CommandInfo class.

In [8]:
    -All [<SwitchParameter>]
        Indicates that this cmdlet gets all commands, including commands of the same type that have the same name. By 
        default, Get-Command gets only the commands that run when you type the command name.
        For more information about the method that Windows PowerShell uses to select the command to run when multiple 
        commands have the same name, see about_Command_Precedence ( in 
        the TechNet library. For information about module-qualified command names and running commands that do not run 
        by default because of a name conflict, see about_Modules (
        This parameter was introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0.
        In Windows PowerShell 2.0, Get-Command gets all commands by default.
        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                False
        Accept pipeline input?       True (ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters?  false
    -ArgumentList <Object[]>
        Specifies an array of arguments. This cmdlet gets information about a cmdlet or function when it is used with 
        the specified parameters ("arguments"). The alias for ArgumentList is Args .
        To detect dynamic parameters that are available only when certain other parameters are used, set the value of 
        ArgumentList to the parameters that trigger the dynamic parameters.
        To detect the dynamic parameters that a provider adds to a cmdlet, set the value of the ArgumentList parameter 
        to a path in the provider drive, such as WSMan:, HKLM:, or Cert:. When the command is a Windows PowerShell 
        provider cmdlet, enter only one path in each command. The provider cmdlets return only the dynamic parameters 
        for the first path the value of ArgumentList . For information about the provider cmdlets, see about_Providers 
        ( in the TechNet library.
        Required?                    false
        Position?                    1
        Default value                None
        Accept pipeline input?       False
        Accept wildcard characters?  false
    -CommandType <CommandTypes>
        Specifies the  types of commands that this cmdlet gets. Enter one or more command types. Use CommandType or 
        its alias, Type . By default, Get-Command gets all cmdlets, functions, and workflows, and aliases.
        The acceptable values for this parameter are:
        - Alias. Gets the aliases of all Windows PowerShell commands. For more information, see about_Aliases.
        - All. Gets all command types. This parameter value is the equivalent of `Get-Command *`.
        - Application. Gets non-Windows-PowerShell files in paths listed in the Path environment variable ($env:path), 
        including .txt, .exe, and .dll files. For more information about the Path environment variable, see 
        about_Environment_Variables. - Cmdlet. Gets all cmdlets.
        - ExternalScript. Gets all .ps1 files in the paths listed in the Path environment variable ($env:path). - 
        Filter and Function. Gets all Windows PowerShell advanced and simple functions and filters.
        - Script. Gets all script blocks. To get Windows PowerShell scripts (.ps1 files), use the ExternalScript value.
        - Workflow. Gets all workflows. For more information about workflows, see Introducing Windows PowerShell 
        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                None
        Accept pipeline input?       True (ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters?  false
    -FullyQualifiedModule <ModuleSpecification[]>
        Specifies modules with names that are specified in the form of ModuleSpecification objects, described by the 
        Remarks section of Module Specification Constructor 
        (Hashtable) on the Microsoft Developer 
        Network (MSDN). For example, the FullyQualifiedModule parameter accepts a module name that is specified in the 
        format @{ModuleName = "modulename"; ModuleVersion = "version_number"} or @{ModuleName = "modulename"; 
        ModuleVersion = "version_number"; Guid = "GUID"}. ModuleName and ModuleVersion are required, but Guid is 
        You cannot specify the FullyQualifiedModule parameter in the same command as a Module parameter. The two 
        parameters are mutually exclusive.
        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                None
        Accept pipeline input?       True (ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters?  false
    -ListImported [<SwitchParameter>]
        Indicates that this cmdlet gets only commands in the current session.
        Starting in Windows PowerShell 3.0, by default, Get-Command gets all installed commands, including, but not 
        limited to, the commands in the current session. In Windows PowerShell 2.0, it gets only commands in the 
        current session.
        This parameter was introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0.
        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                False
        Accept pipeline input?       True (ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters?  false
    -Module <String[]>
        Specifies an array of modules. This cmdlet gets the commands that came from the specified modules or snap-ins. 
        Enter the names of modules or snap-ins, or enter snap-in or module objects.
        This parameter takes string values, but the value of this parameter can also be a PSModuleInfo or PSSnapinInfo 
        object, such as the objects that the Get-Module, Get-PSSnapin, and Import-PSSession cmdlets return.
        You can refer to this parameter by its name, Module , or by its alias, PSSnapin . The parameter name that you 
        choose has no effect on the command output.
        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                None
        Accept pipeline input?       True (ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters?  false
    -Name <String[]>
        Specifies an array of names. This cmdlet gets only commands that have the specified name. Enter a name or name 
        pattern. Wildcard characters are permitted.
        To get commands that have the same name, use the All parameter. When two commands have the same name, by 
        default, Get-Command gets the command that runs when you type the command name.
        Required?                    false
        Position?                    0
        Default value                None
        Accept pipeline input?       True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)
        Accept wildcard characters?  false
    -Noun <String[]>
        Specifies an array of command nouns. This cmdlet gets commands, which include cmdlets, functions, workflows, 
        and aliases, that have names that include the specified noun. Enter one or more nouns or noun patterns. 
        Wildcard characters are permitted.
        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                None
        Accept pipeline input?       True (ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters?  false
    -ParameterName <String[]>
        Specifies an array of parameter names. This cmdlet gets commands in the session that have the specified 
        parameters. Enter parameter names or parameter aliases. Wildcard characters are supported.
        The ParameterName and ParameterType parameters search only commands in the current session.
        This parameter was introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0.
        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                None
        Accept pipeline input?       False
        Accept wildcard characters?  false
    -ParameterType <PSTypeName[]>
        Specifies an array of parameter names. This cmdlet gets commands in the session that have parameters of the 
        specified type. Enter the full name or partial name of a parameter type. Wildcard characters are supported.
        The ParameterName and ParameterType parameters search only commands in the current session.
        This parameter was introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0.
        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                None
        Accept pipeline input?       False
        Accept wildcard characters?  false
    -ShowCommandInfo [<SwitchParameter>]
        Indicates that this cmdlet displays command information.
        For more information about the method that Windows PowerShell uses to select the command to run when multiple 
        commands have the same name, see about_Command_Precedence. For information about module-qualified command 
        names and running commands that do not run by default because of a name conflict, see about_Modules.
        This parameter was introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0.
        In Windows PowerShell 2.0, Get-Command gets all commands by default.
        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                False
        Accept pipeline input?       False
        Accept wildcard characters?  false
    -Syntax [<SwitchParameter>]
        Indicates that this cmdlet gets only the following specified data about the command:
        - Aliases. Gets the standard name.
        - Cmdlets. Gets the syntax.
        - Functions and filters. Gets the function definition.
        - Scripts and applications or files. Gets the path and filename.
        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                False
        Accept pipeline input?       True (ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters?  false
    -TotalCount <Int32>
        Specifies the number of commands to get. You can use this parameter to limit the output of a command.
        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                None
        Accept pipeline input?       True (ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters?  false
    -Verb <String[]>
        Specifies an array of command verbs. This cmdlet gets commands, which include cmdlets, functions, workflows, 
        and aliases, that have names that include the specified verb. Enter one or more verbs or verb patterns. 
        Wildcard characters are permitted.
        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                None
        Accept pipeline input?       True (ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters?  false
        This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
        ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
        OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see 
        about_CommonParameters (https:/ 


In [9]:
Show-Command Get-Command

Image from Gyazo


In [41]:
Get-Command -Noun Item | select Name | format-wide

Clear-Item                                                  Copy-Item                                                  
Get-Item                                                    Invoke-Item                                                
Move-Item                                                   New-Item                                                   
Remove-Item                                                 Rename-Item                                                


In [10]:
get-alias | Out-String -stream | select-string 'command'
CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source                                   
Alias           gcm -> Get-Command                                                                                     
Alias           icm -> Invoke-Command                                                                                  
Alias           shcm -> Show-Command                                                                                   
Alias           trcm -> Trace-Command                                                                                  


In [11]:
(gcm get-item).GetType().Fullname
In [12]:
gcm get-item | format-list *
gcm get-item | format-list *

HelpUri             :
DLL                 : C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management\v4.0_3.0.0.0_
Verb                : Get
Noun                : Item
HelpFile            : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management.dll-Help.xml
PSSnapIn            : 
Version             :
ImplementingType    : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetItemCommand
Definition          : 
                      Get-Item [-Path] <string[]> [-Filter <string>] [-Include <string[]>] [-Exclude <string[]>] 
                      [-Force] [-Credential <pscredential>] [-UseTransaction] [-Stream <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
                      Get-Item -LiteralPath <string[]> [-Filter <string>] [-Include <string[]>] [-Exclude <string[]>] 
                      [-Force] [-Credential <pscredential>] [-UseTransaction] [-Stream <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
DefaultParameterSet : Path
OutputType          : {System.IO.FileInfo, System.Boolean, System.String, System.IO.FileInfo...}
Options             : ReadOnly
Name                : Get-Item
CommandType         : Cmdlet
Source              : Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Visibility          : Public
ModuleName          : Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Module              : Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
RemotingCapability  : PowerShell
Parameters          : {[Path, System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata], [LiteralPath, 
                      System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata], [Filter, 
                      System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata], [Include, 
ParameterSets       : {[-Path] <string[]> [-Filter <string>] [-Include <string[]>] [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Force] 
                      [-Credential <pscredential>] [-UseTransaction] [-Stream <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>], 
                      -LiteralPath <string[]> [-Filter <string>] [-Include <string[]>] [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Force] 
                      [-Credential <pscredential>] [-UseTransaction] [-Stream <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]}


In [13]:
get-verb | set -Name ary_verb
get-verb | set -Name ary_verb

In [14]:
$ary_verb | where {$_.Group -eq 'Common'}
Verb     Group 
----     ----- 
Add      Common
Clear    Common
Close    Common
Copy     Common
Enter    Common
Exit     Common
Find     Common
Format   Common
Get      Common
Hide     Common
Join     Common
Lock     Common
Move     Common
New      Common
Open     Common
Optimize Common
Pop      Common
Push     Common
Redo     Common
Remove   Common
Rename   Common
Reset    Common
Resize   Common
Search   Common
Select   Common
Set      Common
Show     Common
Skip     Common
Split    Common
Step     Common
Switch   Common
Undo     Common
Unlock   Common
Watch    Common

In [15]:
$ary_verb | where {$_.Group -eq 'Data'} | select Verb | format-wide

Backup                                                      Checkpoint                                                 
Compare                                                     Compress                                                   
Convert                                                     ConvertFrom                                                
ConvertTo                                                   Dismount                                                   
Edit                                                        Expand                                                     
Export                                                      Group                                                      
Import                                                      Initialize                                                 
Limit                                                       Merge                                                      
Mount                                                       Out                                                        
Publish                                                     Restore                                                    
Save                                                        Sync                                                       
Unpublish                                                   Update                                                     

In [16]:
$ary_verb | where {$_.Group -eq 'LifeCycle'} | fw verb

Approve                                                     Assert                                                     
Complete                                                    Confirm                                                    
Deny                                                        Disable                                                    
Enable                                                      Install                                                    
Invoke                                                      Register                                                   
Request                                                     Restart                                                    
Resume                                                      Start                                                      
Stop                                                        Submit                                                     
Suspend                                                     Uninstall                                                  
Unregister                                                  Wait                                                       

In [17]:
$ary_verb | where {$_.Group -eq 'Diagnostic'} | fw verb

Debug                                                       Measure                                                    
Ping                                                        Repair                                                     
Resolve                                                     Test                                                       

In [18]:
$ary_verb | where {$_.Group -eq 'Communications'}  | fw verb

Connect                                                     Disconnect                                                 
Read                                                        Receive                                                    
Send                                                        Write                                                      

In [19]:
$ary_verb | where {$_.Group -in @('security','other')} | fw verb

Block                                                       Grant                                                      
Protect                                                     Revoke                                                     
Unblock                                                     Unprotect                                                  


In [36]:
Get-Command | set -Name ary_cmd
Get-Verb | select Verb | foreach {$_.Verb}|set -Name ary_verb
$nouns = @(
Get-Command | set -Name ary_cmd
Get-Verb | select Verb | foreach {$_.Verb}|set -Name ary_verb
$nouns = @(
>>   "Acl","Alias","Certificate","ChildItem","Clipboard",
>>   "Clixml","Command","Computer","ComputerInfo","Console",
>>   "Content","ControlPanelItem","Counter","Credential",
>>   "Csv","Culture","Custom","Date","Debug","Debugger",
>>   "DedupProperties","Default","Error","Event","EventLog",
>>   "ExecutionPolicy","Expression","File","FormatData","GridView",
>>   "Guid","Help","Hex","History","Host","HotFix","Html","Information",
>>   "InstalledModule","InstalledScript","IseSnippet","Item",
>>   "ItemProperty","ItemPropertyValue","Job","JobTrigger","Json",
>>   "List","LocalizedData","Location","MailMessage","Member",
>>   "Mock","Module","ModuleManifest","ModuleMember","Null","Object",
>>   "ObjectEvent","OdbcDriver","OdbcDsn","OdbcPerfCounter","Output",
>>   "PSBreakpoint","PSCallStack","PSDebug","PSDrive","PSSnapin",
>>   "Package","PackageProvider","PackageSource","Path","Pester","
>>   PesterOption","Process","Progress","Random","RecycleBin",
>>   "RestMethod","Script","ScriptFileInfo","SecureString",
>>   "Service","Sleep","String","StringData","Table","TemporaryFile",
>>   "TimeSpan","TimeZone","Trace","TraceSource","Transaction",
>>   "Transcript","TroubleshootingPack","Type","TypeData",
>>   "UICulture","Unique","Variable","Verb","Verbose","Warning",
>>   "WebRequest","WebServiceProxy","Wide","WinEvent",
>>   "WinHomeLocation","WindowsEdition","WmiEvent","WmiInstance",
>>   "WmiMethod","WmiObject","Xml"
>> )

In [37]:
$ary = @()
$dic = @{}
$arylist = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

foreach($ar in $ary_cmd)
  $buf = $ar -split '-' 
  if($buf[0] -in $ary_verb)
    $null = $arylist.Add(@($buf[0], $buf[1]))
    # $buf[0] + ' : ' + $buf[1]
Get-Command | set -Name ary_cmd
In [22]:
$i = 0
foreach($a in $arylist)
  if($a[1] -in $nouns){
    if($a[1] -in $dic.Keys)
      $dic[$a[1]] += $a[0]
      $dic[$a[1]] = @()
      $dic[$a[1]] += $a[0]
    # if($i -gt 100){break}
$i = 0
foreach($a in $arylist)
In [23]:
$dic.GetEnumerator() | 
    Sort-Object { $_.key } | 
    select key, value | set -Name ordered
>> {
>>   if($a[1] -in $nouns){
>>     if($a[1] -in $dic.Keys)
>>     {
>>       $dic[$a[1]] += $a[0]
>>     }else{
>>       $dic[$a[1]] = @()
>>       $dic[$a[1]] += $a[0]
>>     }
>>     $i++
>>     # if($i -gt 100){break}
>>   }
>> }
$dic.GetEnumerator() | 
>>     Sort-Object { $_.key } | 
>>     select key, value | set -Name ordered
In [24]:
Key              Value                                   
---              -----                                   
Acl              {Get, Set}                              
Alias            {Export, Get, Import, New...}           
Certificate      {Export, Get, Import, Switch...}        
ChildItem        {Get}                                   
Clipboard        {Get, Set}                              
Clixml           {Export, Import}                        
Command          {Find, Get, Invoke, Measure...}         
Computer         {Add, Checkpoint, Remove, Rename...}    
ComputerInfo     {Get}                                   
Console          {Export}                                
Content          {Add, Clear, Get, Set}                  
ControlPanelItem {Get, Show}                             
Counter          {Export, Get, Import}                   
Credential       {Get}                                   
Csv              {ConvertFrom, ConvertTo, Export, Import}
Culture          {Get, Set}                              
Custom           {Format}                                
Date             {Get, Set}                              
Debug            {Write}                                 
Debugger         {Wait}                                  
DedupProperties  {Get}                                   
Default          {Out}                                   
Error            {Write}                                 
Event            {Get, New, Remove, Unregister...}       
EventLog         {Clear, Get, Limit, New...}             
ExecutionPolicy  {Get, Set}                              
Expression       {Invoke}                                

In [25]:
Key               Value                             
---               -----                             
File              {Out, Unblock}                    
FormatData        {Export, Get, Update}             
GridView          {Out}                             
Guid              {New}                             
Help              {Get, Save, Update}               
Hex               {Format}                          
History           {Add, Clear, Get, Invoke}         
Host              {Clear, Get, Out, Read...}        
HotFix            {Get}                             
Html              {ConvertTo}                       
Information       {Write}                           
InstalledModule   {Get}                             
InstalledScript   {Get}                             
IseSnippet        {Get, Import, New}                
Item              {Clear, Copy, Get, Invoke...}     
ItemProperty      {Clear, Copy, Get, Move...}       
ItemPropertyValue {Get}                             
Job               {Debug, Get, Receive, Remove...}  
JobTrigger        {Add, Disable, Enable, Get...}    
Json              {ConvertFrom, ConvertTo}          
List              {Format, Update}                  
LocalizedData     {Import}                          
Location          {Get, Pop, Push, Set}             
MailMessage       {Send}                            
Member            {Add, Get}                        
Mock              {Invoke}                          
Module            {Find, Install, Publish, Save...} 
ModuleManifest    {Update, New, Test}               
ModuleMember      {Export}                          
Null              {Out}                             
Object            {Compare, Group, Measure, New...} 
ObjectEvent       {Register}                        
OdbcDriver        {Get, Set}                        
OdbcDsn           {Add, Get, Remove, Set}           
OdbcPerfCounter   {Disable, Enable, Get}            
Output            {Write}                           
Package           {Find, Get, Install, Save...}     
PackageProvider   {Find, Get, Import, Install}      
PackageSource     {Get, Register, Set, Unregister}  
Path              {Convert, Join, Resolve, Split...}
Pester            {Invoke}                          
Process           {Debug, Get, Start, Stop...}      
Progress          {Write}                           
PSBreakpoint      {Disable, Enable, Get, Remove...} 
PSCallStack       {Get}                             
PSDebug           {Set}                             
PSDrive           {Get, New, Remove}                
PSSnapin          {Add, Get, Remove}                
Random            {Get}                             
RecycleBin        {Clear}                           
RestMethod        {Invoke}                          

In [26]:
Key                 Value                              
---                 -----                              
Script              {Find, Install, Publish, Save...}  
ScriptFileInfo      {New, Test, Update}                
SecureString        {ConvertFrom, ConvertTo}           
Service             {Get, New, Restart, Resume...}     
Sleep               {Start}                            
String              {ConvertFrom, Convert, Out, Select}
StringData          {ConvertFrom}                      
Table               {Format}                           
TemporaryFile       {New}                              
TimeSpan            {New}                              
TimeZone            {Get, Set}                         
Trace               {Start, Stop, Export}              
TraceSource         {Get, Set}                         
Transaction         {Complete, Get, Start, Undo...}    
Transcript          {Start, Stop}                      
TroubleshootingPack {Get, Invoke}                      
Type                {Add}                              
TypeData            {Get, Remove, Update}              
UICulture           {Get}                              
Unique              {Get}                              
Variable            {Clear, Get, New, Remove...}       
Verb                {Get}                              
Verbose             {Write}                            
Warning             {Write}                            
WebRequest          {Invoke}                           
WebServiceProxy     {New}                              
Wide                {Format}                           
WindowsEdition      {Get, Set}                         
WinEvent            {Get, New}                         
WinHomeLocation     {Get, Set}                         
WmiEvent            {Register}                         
WmiInstance         {Set}                              
WmiMethod           {Invoke}                           
WmiObject           {Get, Remove}                      
Xml                 {ConvertTo, Select}                

Get-Command and modules

In [27]:
get-module | ft Name, ModuleType, ExportedCommands
Name                            ModuleType ExportedCommands                                                            
----                            ---------- ----------------                                                            
Microsoft.PowerShell.Management   Manifest {[Add-Computer, Add-Computer], [Add-Content, Add-Content], [Checkpoint-Co...
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility      Manifest {[Add-Member, Add-Member], [Add-Type, Add-Type], [Clear-Variable, Clear-V...
PSReadline                          Script {[Get-PSReadlineKeyHandler, Get-PSReadlineKeyHandler], [Get-PSReadlineOpt...

In [28]:
get-command -Module * | fw Name

Add-Computer                                                Add-Content                                                
Checkpoint-Computer                                         Clear-Content                                              
Clear-EventLog                                              Clear-Item                                                 
Clear-ItemProperty                                          Clear-RecycleBin                                           
Complete-Transaction                                        Convert-Path                                               
Copy-Item                                                   Copy-ItemProperty                                          
Debug-Process                                               Disable-ComputerRestore                                    
Enable-ComputerRestore                                      Get-ChildItem                                              
Get-Clipboard                                               Get-ComputerInfo                                           
Get-ComputerRestorePoint                                    Get-Content                                                
Get-ControlPanelItem                                        Get-EventLog                                               
Get-HotFix                                                  Get-Item                                                   
Get-ItemProperty                                            Get-ItemPropertyValue                                      
Get-Location                                                Get-Process                                                
Get-PSDrive                                                 Get-PSProvider                                             
Get-Service                                                 Get-TimeZone                                               
Get-Transaction                                             Get-WmiObject                                              
Invoke-Item                                                 Invoke-WmiMethod                                           
Join-Path                                                   Limit-EventLog                                             
Move-Item                                                   Move-ItemProperty                                          
New-EventLog                                                New-Item                                                   
New-ItemProperty                                            New-PSDrive                                                
New-Service                                                 New-WebServiceProxy                                        
Pop-Location                                                Push-Location                                              
Register-WmiEvent                                           Remove-Computer                                            
Remove-EventLog                                             Remove-Item                                                
Remove-ItemProperty                                         Remove-PSDrive                                             
Remove-WmiObject                                            Rename-Computer                                            
Rename-Item                                                 Rename-ItemProperty                                        
Reset-ComputerMachinePassword                               Resolve-Path                                               
Restart-Computer                                            Restart-Service                                            
Restore-Computer                                            Resume-Service                                             
Set-Clipboard                                               Set-Content                                                
Set-Item                                                    Set-ItemProperty                                           
Set-Location                                                Set-Service                                                
Set-TimeZone                                                Set-WmiInstance                                            
Show-ControlPanelItem                                       Show-EventLog                                              
Split-Path                                                  Start-Process                                              
Start-Service                                               Start-Transaction                                          
Stop-Computer                                               Stop-Process                                               
Stop-Service                                                Suspend-Service                                            
Test-ComputerSecureChannel                                  Test-Connection                                            
Test-Path                                                   Undo-Transaction                                           
Use-Transaction                                             Wait-Process                                               

In [29]:
Get-Command -module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility -CommandTYpe cmdlet | fw Name

Add-Member                                                  Add-Type                                                   
Clear-Variable                                              Compare-Object                                             
ConvertFrom-Csv                                             ConvertFrom-Json                                           
ConvertFrom-String                                          ConvertFrom-StringData                                     
Convert-String                                              ConvertTo-Csv                                              
ConvertTo-Html                                              ConvertTo-Json                                             
ConvertTo-Xml                                               Debug-Runspace                                             
Disable-PSBreakpoint                                        Disable-RunspaceDebug                                      
Enable-PSBreakpoint                                         Enable-RunspaceDebug                                       
Export-Alias                                                Export-Clixml                                              
Export-Csv                                                  Export-FormatData                                          
Export-PSSession                                            Format-Custom                                              
Format-List                                                 Format-Table                                               
Format-Wide                                                 Get-Alias                                                  
Get-Culture                                                 Get-Date                                                   
Get-Event                                                   Get-EventSubscriber                                        
Get-FormatData                                              Get-Host                                                   
Get-Member                                                  Get-PSBreakpoint                                           
Get-PSCallStack                                             Get-Random                                                 
Get-Runspace                                                Get-RunspaceDebug                                          
Get-TraceSource                                             Get-TypeData                                               
Get-UICulture                                               Get-Unique                                                 
Get-Variable                                                Group-Object                                               
Import-Alias                                                Import-Clixml                                              
Import-Csv                                                  Import-LocalizedData                                       
Import-PSSession                                            Invoke-Expression                                          
Invoke-RestMethod                                           Invoke-WebRequest                                          
Measure-Command                                             Measure-Object                                             
New-Alias                                                   New-Event                                                  
New-Object                                                  New-TimeSpan                                               
New-Variable                                                Out-File                                                   
Out-GridView                                                Out-Printer                                                
Out-String                                                  Read-Host                                                  
Register-EngineEvent                                        Register-ObjectEvent                                       
Remove-Event                                                Remove-PSBreakpoint                                        
Remove-TypeData                                             Remove-Variable                                            
Select-Object                                               Select-String                                              
Select-Xml                                                  Send-MailMessage                                           
Set-Alias                                                   Set-Date                                                   
Set-PSBreakpoint                                            Set-TraceSource                                            
Set-Variable                                                Show-Command                                               
Sort-Object                                                 Start-Sleep                                                
Tee-Object                                                  Trace-Command                                              
Unblock-File                                                Unregister-Event                                           
Update-FormatData                                           Update-List                                                
Update-TypeData                                             Wait-Debugger                                              
Wait-Event                                                  Write-Debug                                                
Write-Error                                                 Write-Host                                                 
Write-Information                                           Write-Output                                               
Write-Progress                                              Write-Verbose                                              

In [30]:
Get-Command  -verb out | ft Name, Source
Get-Command  -verb out | ft Name, Source

Name         Source                      
----         ------                      
Out-Default  Microsoft.PowerShell.Core   
Out-File     Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility
Out-GridView Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility
Out-Host     Microsoft.PowerShell.Core   
Out-Null     Microsoft.PowerShell.Core   
Out-Printer  Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility
Out-String   Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility

In [31]:
Get-Command -verb write | ft Name, Source
Name                              Source                         
----                              ------                         
Write-FileSystemCache             Storage                        
Write-DtcTransactionsTraceSession MsDtc                          
Write-PrinterNfcTag               PrintManagement                
Write-VolumeCache                 Storage                        
Write-Debug                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility   
Write-Error                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility   
Write-EventLog                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Write-Host                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility   
Write-Information                 Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility   
Write-Output                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility   
Write-Progress                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility   
Write-Verbose                     Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility   
Write-Warning                     Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility   


In [32]:
Get-Help Get-Command
    Gets all commands.
    Get-Command [[-Name] <String[]>] [[-ArgumentList] <Object[]>] [-All] [-CommandType {Alias | Function | Filter | 
    Cmdlet | ExternalScript | Application | Script | Workflow | Configuration | All}] [-FullyQualifiedModule 
    <ModuleSpecification[]>] [-ListImported] [-Module <String[]>] [-ParameterName <String[]>] [-ParameterType 
    <PSTypeName[]>] [-ShowCommandInfo] [-Syntax] [-TotalCount <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]
    Get-Command [[-ArgumentList] <Object[]>] [-All] [-FullyQualifiedModule <ModuleSpecification[]>] [-ListImported] 
    [-Module <String[]>] [-Noun <String[]>] [-ParameterName <String[]>] [-ParameterType <PSTypeName[]>] 
    [-ShowCommandInfo] [-Syntax] [-TotalCount <Int32>] [-Verb <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
    The Get-Command cmdlet gets all commands that are installed on the computer, including cmdlets, aliases, 
    functions, workflows, filters, scripts, and applications. Get-Command gets the commands from Windows PowerShell 
    modules and snap-ins and commands that were imported from other sessions. To get only commands that have been 
    imported into the current session, use the ListImported parameter.
    Without parameters, a Get-Command command gets all of the cmdlets, functions, workflows and aliases installed on 
    the computer. A `Get-Command *` command gets all types of commands, including all of the non-Windows PowerShell 
    files in the Path environment variable ($env:path), which it lists in the Application command type.
    A Get-Command command that uses the exact name of the command, without wildcard characters, automatically imports 
    the module that contains the command so that you can use the command immediately. To enable, disable, and 
    configure automatic importing of modules, use the $PSModuleAutoLoadingPreference preference variable. For more 
    information, see about_Preference_Variables ( in the Microsoft 
    TechNet library. Get-Command gets its data directly from the command code, unlike Get-Help, which gets its 
    information from help topics.
    In Windows PowerShell 2.0, Get-Command gets only commands in current session. It does not get commands from 
    modules that are installed, but not imported. To limit Get-Command in Windows PowerShell 3.0 and later versions to 
    commands in the current session, use the ListImported parameter.
    Starting in Windows PowerShell 5.0, results of the Get-Command cmdlet display a Version column by default. A new 
    Version property has been added to the CommandInfo class.

    Online Version:

    To see the examples, type: "get-help Get-Command -examples".
    For more information, type: "get-help Get-Command -detailed".
    For technical information, type: "get-help Get-Command -full".
    For online help, type: "get-help Get-Command -online"





Image from Gyazo

jupyter notebook



In [23]:
02 September 2019 20:58:03

In [24]:
Get-Date -format "yy/MM/dd hh:mm"
19/09/02 08:58
In [25]:
Get-Date -format "yyMMdd_hhmm"


In [26]:
Get-Help Get-Date
    Gets the current date and time.
    Get-Date [[-Date] <DateTime>] [-Day <Int32>] [-DisplayHint {Date | Time | DateTime}] [-Format <String>] [-Hour 
    <Int32>] [-Millisecond <Int32>] [-Minute <Int32>] [-Month <Int32>] [-Second <Int32>] [-Year <Int32>] 
    Get-Date [[-Date] <DateTime>] [-Day <Int32>] [-DisplayHint {Date | Time | DateTime}] [-Hour <Int32>] [-Millisecond 
    <Int32>] [-Minute <Int32>] [-Month <Int32>] [-Second <Int32>] [-UFormat <String>] [-Year <Int32>] 
    The Get-Date cmdlet gets a DateTime object that represents the current date or a date that you specify. It can 
    format the date and time in several Windows and UNIX formats. You can use Get-Date to generate a date or time 
    character string, and then send the string to other cmdlets or programs.

    Online Version:

    To see the examples, type: "get-help Get-Date -examples".
    For more information, type: "get-help Get-Date -detailed".
    For technical information, type: "get-help Get-Date -full".
    For online help, type: "get-help Get-Date -online"

In [27]:
Get-Help Get-Date -online

Get-Command and Get-Alias

In [29]:
Get-Command -Noun Date
CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source                                   
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------                                   
Cmdlet          Get-Date                                     Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility             
Cmdlet          Set-Date                                     Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility             

Identification of Type

In [30]:
(Get-Date) -is [datetime]
In [32]:


In [33]:
(Get-Date) | Get-Member -MemberType Property | Format-Table Name, Definition
Name        Definition                       
----        ----------                       
Date        datetime Date {get;}             
Day         int Day {get;}                   
DayOfWeek   System.DayOfWeek DayOfWeek {get;}
DayOfYear   int DayOfYear {get;}             
Hour        int Hour {get;}                  
Kind        System.DateTimeKind Kind {get;}  
Millisecond int Millisecond {get;}           
Minute      int Minute {get;}                
Month       int Month {get;}                 
Second      int Second {get;}                
Ticks       long Ticks {get;}                
TimeOfDay   timespan TimeOfDay {get;}        
Year        int Year {get;}                  

In [34]:
(Get-Date) | Get-Member -MemberType Method | Format-Table Name, Definition
Name                 Definition                                                                                        
----                 ----------                                                                                        
Add                  datetime Add(timespan value)                                                                      
AddDays              datetime AddDays(double value)                                                                    
AddHours             datetime AddHours(double value)                                                                   
AddMilliseconds      datetime AddMilliseconds(double value)                                                            
AddMinutes           datetime AddMinutes(double value)                                                                 
AddMonths            datetime AddMonths(int months)                                                                    
AddSeconds           datetime AddSeconds(double value)                                                                 
AddTicks             datetime AddTicks(long value)                                                                     
AddYears             datetime AddYears(int value)                                                                      
CompareTo            int CompareTo(System.Object value), int CompareTo(datetime value), int IComparable.CompareTo(Sy...
Equals               bool Equals(System.Object value), bool Equals(datetime value), bool IEquatable[datetime].Equals...
GetDateTimeFormats   string[] GetDateTimeFormats(), string[] GetDateTimeFormats(System.IFormatProvider provider), st...
GetHashCode          int GetHashCode()                                                                                 
GetObjectData        void ISerializable.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Ru...
GetType              type GetType()                                                                                    
GetTypeCode          System.TypeCode GetTypeCode(), System.TypeCode IConvertible.GetTypeCode()                         
IsDaylightSavingTime bool IsDaylightSavingTime()                                                                       
Subtract             timespan Subtract(datetime value), datetime Subtract(timespan value)                              
ToBinary             long ToBinary()                                                                                   
ToBoolean            bool IConvertible.ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                      
ToByte               byte IConvertible.ToByte(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                         
ToChar               char IConvertible.ToChar(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                         
ToDateTime           datetime IConvertible.ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                 
ToDecimal            decimal IConvertible.ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                   
ToDouble             double IConvertible.ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                     
ToFileTime           long ToFileTime()                                                                                 
ToFileTimeUtc        long ToFileTimeUtc()                                                                              
ToInt16              int16 IConvertible.ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                       
ToInt32              int IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                         
ToInt64              long IConvertible.ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                        
ToLocalTime          datetime ToLocalTime()                                                                            
ToLongDateString     string ToLongDateString()                                                                         
ToLongTimeString     string ToLongTimeString()                                                                         
ToOADate             double ToOADate()                                                                                 
ToSByte              sbyte IConvertible.ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                       
ToShortDateString    string ToShortDateString()                                                                        
ToShortTimeString    string ToShortTimeString()                                                                        
ToSingle             float IConvertible.ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                      
ToString             string ToString(), string ToString(string format), string ToString(System.IFormatProvider provi...
ToType               System.Object IConvertible.ToType(type conversionType, System.IFormatProvider provider)           
ToUInt16             uint16 IConvertible.ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                     
ToUInt32             uint32 IConvertible.ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                     
ToUInt64             uint64 IConvertible.ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                     
ToUniversalTime      datetime ToUniversalTime()                                                                        



In [37]:
$first_off_dtm = Get-Date
$first_off_dtm_str = Get-Date (Get-Date $first_off_dtm -f 'yyyy/MM/dd') -f 'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm'
$last_on_dtm_str = Get-Date ((Get-Date $first_off_dtm_str).AddDays(1).AddMinutes(-1)) -f 'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm'
$first_off_dtm = Get-Date
$first_off_dtm_str = Get-Date (Get-Date $first_off_dtm -f 'yyyy/MM/dd') -f 'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm'
$last_on_dtm_str = Get-Date ((Get-Date $first_off_dtm_str).AddDays(1).AddMinutes(-1)) -f 'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm'
2019/09/02 00:00
2019/09/02 23:59

date -> str (formatting)

In [39]:
@("d","D","f","F","g","G","M","O","R","s","t","T","u","U","Y") | 
    foreach {$date=Get-Date -F $_ ;"$_, $date"}
d, 02/09/2019
D, 02 September 2019
f, 02 September 2019 21:07
F, 02 September 2019 21:07:01
g, 02/09/2019 21:07
G, 02/09/2019 21:07:01
M, 2 September
O, 2019-09-02T21:07:01.9259624+09:00
R, Mon, 02 Sep 2019 21:07:01 GMT
s, 2019-09-02T21:07:01
t, 21:07
T, 21:07:01
u, 2019-09-02 21:07:01Z
U, 02 September 2019 12:07:01
Y, September 2019
In [41]:
Get-Date -F 'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.ffffff'
2019/09/02 21:07:24.807954
In [43]:
(Get-Date -F O).Replace('-','').Replace('T','_').Replace(':','').Replace('+','_GMT+')

str -> datetime

In [45]:
Get-Date '2019/09/01'
01 September 2019 00:00:00

In [47]:
Get-Date '2019/08/28 22:12'
28 August 2019 22:12:00


In [52]:
Get-Date | Export-Clixml date.clixml

In [54]:
cat date.clixml
<Objs Version="" xmlns="">">
  <Obj RefId="0">
      <Obj N="DisplayHint" RefId="1">
        <TN RefId="0">
In [56]:
Import-Clixml date.clixml | set -Name dtm_cli

In [58]:
02 September 2019 21:11:13

In [60]:


In [62]:
Get-Command -Noun Time*
CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source                                   
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------                                   
Cmdlet          Get-TimeZone                                 Microsoft.PowerShell.Management          
Cmdlet          New-TimeSpan                                 Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility             
Cmdlet          Set-TimeZone                                 Microsoft.PowerShell.Management          

In [64]:
Get-Help New-Timespan
    Creates a TimeSpan object.
    New-TimeSpan [-Days <Int32>] [-Hours <Int32>] [-Minutes <Int32>] [-Seconds <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]
    New-TimeSpan [[-Start] <DateTime>] [[-End] <DateTime>] [<CommonParameters>]
    The New-TimeSpan cmdlet creates a TimeSpan object that represents a time interval. You can use a TimeSpan object 
    to add or subtract time from DateTime objects.
    Without parameters, a New-Timespan command returns a timespan object that represents a time interval of zero.

    Online Version:

    To see the examples, type: "get-help New-TimeSpan -examples".
    For more information, type: "get-help New-TimeSpan -detailed".
    For technical information, type: "get-help New-TimeSpan -full".
    For online help, type: "get-help New-TimeSpan -online"

In [65]:
Get-Help New-Timespan -online
    Creates a TimeSpan object.
    New-TimeSpan [-Days <Int32>] [-Hours <Int32>] [-Minutes <Int32>] [-Seconds <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]
    New-TimeSpan [[-Start] <DateTime>] [[-End] <DateTime>] [<CommonParameters>]
    The New-TimeSpan cmdlet creates a TimeSpan object that represents a time interval. You can use a TimeSpan object 
    to add or subtract time from DateTime objects.
    Without parameters, a New-Timespan command returns a timespan object that represents a time interval of zero.

    Online Version:

    To see the examples, type: "get-help New-TimeSpan -examples".
    For more information, type: "get-help New-TimeSpan -detailed".
    For technical information, type: "get-help New-TimeSpan -full".
    For online help, type: "get-help New-TimeSpan -online"


In [66]:
$timespn = New-Timespan

In [74]:
$timespn | Get-Member -MemberType Property | ft Name, Definition
Name              Definition                     
----              ----------                     
Days              int Days {get;}                
Hours             int Hours {get;}               
Milliseconds      int Milliseconds {get;}        
Minutes           int Minutes {get;}             
Seconds           int Seconds {get;}             
Ticks             long Ticks {get;}              
TotalDays         double TotalDays {get;}        
TotalHours        double TotalHours {get;}       
TotalMilliseconds double TotalMilliseconds {get;}
TotalMinutes      double TotalMinutes {get;}     
TotalSeconds      double TotalSeconds {get;}     

In [76]:
$timespn | Get-Member -MemberType Method | ft Name, Definition
Name        Definition                                                                                                 
----        ----------                                                                                                 
Add         timespan Add(timespan ts)                                                                                  
CompareTo   int CompareTo(System.Object value), int CompareTo(timespan value), int IComparable.CompareTo(System.Obje...
Duration    timespan Duration()                                                                                        
Equals      bool Equals(System.Object value), bool Equals(timespan obj), bool IEquatable[timespan].Equals(timespan o...
GetHashCode int GetHashCode()                                                                                          
GetType     type GetType()                                                                                             
Negate      timespan Negate()                                                                                          
Subtract    timespan Subtract(timespan ts)                                                                             
ToString    string ToString(), string ToString(string format), string ToString(string format, System.IFormatProvider...

In [78]:
$dtm_begin = Get-Date '2019/08/30 13:32'
$dtm_end = Get-Date '2019/08/30 17:09'
$span = New-Timespan $dtm_begin $dtm_end
$dtm_begin = Get-Date '2019/08/30 13:32'
$dtm_end = Get-Date '2019/08/30 17:09'
$span = New-Timespan $dtm_begin $dtm_end

In [80]:
$span | format-list

Days              : 0
Hours             : 3
Minutes           : 37
Seconds           : 0
Milliseconds      : 0
Ticks             : 130200000000
TotalDays         : 0.150694444444444
TotalHours        : 3.61666666666667
TotalMinutes      : 217
TotalSeconds      : 13020
TotalMilliseconds : 13020000

In [82]:
'{0:g}' -f $span
In [84]:
$str = '{0:g}' -f $span
$str.Substring(0, $str.length -3)
$str = '{0:g}' -f $span
$str.Substring(0, $str.length -3)

In [86]:
$dtm_begin2 = Get-Date '2019/08/30 16:44'
$dtm_end2 = Get-Date '2019/08/31 1:09'
$span2 = New-Timespan $dtm_begin2 $dtm_end2
$str2 = '{0:g}' -f $span2
$str2.Substring(0, $str2.length -3)
$dtm_begin2 = Get-Date '2019/08/30 16:44'
$dtm_end2 = Get-Date '2019/08/31 1:09'
$span2 = New-Timespan $dtm_begin2 $dtm_end2
$str2 = '{0:g}' -f $span2
$str2.Substring(0, $str2.length -3)






jupyter notebook



In [10]:

In [122]:
dir | set -Name dirs
$dirs[0..10] + "`r`n and more ...."
dir | set -Name dirs
$dirs[0..10] + "`r`n and more ...."

    Directory: G:\workspace\pwshnote

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name                                                                  
----                -------------         ------ ----                                                                  
d-----       02/09/2019     08:26                .ipynb_checkpoints                                                    
d-----       01/09/2019     17:52                data                                                                  
d-----       01/09/2019     06:11                temp                                                                  
-a----       02/09/2019     09:36            231 .gitignore                                                            
-a----       29/07/2019     21:02          20614 1907-keylogger-sample.ipynb                                           
-a----       01/09/2019     11:34          27941 1908-powershell-about-operators.ipynb                                 
-a----       01/09/2019     11:21          63452 1908-powershell-about_types.ipynb                                     
-a----       16/08/2019     19:11           5757 1908-powershell-alias-grep.ipynb                                      
-a----       27/08/2019     12:33          36948 1908-powershell-array.ipynb                                           
-a----       31/08/2019     11:59          25028 1908-powershell-datetime.ipynb                                        
-a----       22/08/2019     12:20          38156 1908-powershell-format-list-all.ipynb                                 

 and more ....

In [4]:
ls index.*

    Directory: G:\workspace\pwshnote

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name                                                                  
----                -------------         ------ ----                                                                  
-a----       07/05/2019     16:05         337989 index.html                                                            
-a----       16/08/2019     19:13            871                                                              

In [6]:
# pwshnote
## overview
- a repository for powershell jupyter notebook
- To try a powershell script on jupyter notebook
- GitHub Page
// -- end of
In [8]:
type .gitignore
### vim

# Swap

# Session

# Temporary
# Auto-generated tag files
# Persistent undo


In [12]:
Get-Help Get-Alias
    Gets the aliases for the current session.
    Get-Alias [-Definition <String[]>] [-Exclude <String[]>] [-Scope <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
    Get-Alias [[-Name] <String[]>] [-Exclude <String[]>] [-Scope <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
    The Get-Alias cmdlet gets the aliases in the current session. This includes built-in aliases, aliases that you 
    have set or imported, and aliases that you have added to your Windows PowerShell profile.
    By default, Get-Alias takes an alias and returns the command name. When you use the Definition parameter, 
    Get-Alias takes a command name and returns its aliases.
    Beginning in Windows PowerShell 3.0, Get-Alias displays non-hyphenated alias names in an <alias> -> <definition> 
    format to make it even easier to find the information that you need.

    Online Version:
    About Aliases 

    To see the examples, type: "get-help Get-Alias -examples".
    For more information, type: "get-help Get-Alias -detailed".
    For technical information, type: "get-help Get-Alias -full".
    For online help, type: "get-help Get-Alias -online"

In [111]:
Help about_alias | set -Name store
$store[0..15] + "`r`n and more ...."
$store[0..15] + "`r`n and more ...."

    Describes how to use alternate names for cmdlets and commands in Windows

    An alias is an alternate name or nickname for a cmdlet or for a command
    element, such as a function, script, file, or executable file. You
    can use the alias instead of the command name in any Windows PowerShell
    To create an alias, use the New-Alias cmdlet. For example, the following
    command creates the "gas" alias for the Get-AuthenticodeSignature cmdlet:

 and more ....

Help about_alias | set -Name store


In [47]:
Get-Command -Noun Alias
CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source                                   
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------                                   
Cmdlet          Export-Alias                                 Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility             
Cmdlet          Get-Alias                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility             
Cmdlet          Import-Alias                                 Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility             
Cmdlet          New-Alias                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility             
Cmdlet          Set-Alias                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility             


In [114]:
Get-Alias | set -Name ary
$ary[0..15] + "`r`n and more ...."
Get-Alias | set -Name ary
$ary[0..15] + "`r`n and more ...."

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source                                   
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------                                   
Alias           % -> ForEach-Object                                                                                    
Alias           ? -> Where-Object                                                                                      
Alias           ac -> Add-Content                                                                                      
Alias           asnp -> Add-PSSnapin                                                                                   
Alias           cat -> Get-Content                                                                                     
Alias           cd -> Set-Location                                                                                     
Alias           CFS -> ConvertFrom-String                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility             
Alias           chdir -> Set-Location                                                                                  
Alias           clc -> Clear-Content                                                                                   
Alias           clear -> Clear-Host                                                                                    
Alias           clhy -> Clear-History                                                                                  
Alias           cli -> Clear-Item                                                                                      
Alias           clp -> Clear-ItemProperty                                                                              
Alias           cls -> Clear-Host                                                                                      
Alias           clv -> Clear-Variable                                                                                  
Alias           cnsn -> Connect-PSSession                                                                              

 and more ....

In [79]:
Get-Alias | Out-String -Stream | select-string 'Content'
Alias           ac -> Add-Content                                                                                      
Alias           cat -> Get-Content                                                                                     
Alias           clc -> Clear-Content                                                                                   
Alias           gc -> Get-Content                                                                                      
Alias           sc -> Set-Content                                                                                      
Alias           type -> Get-Content                                                                                    

In [94]:
Get-Alias | Out-String -Stream | sls 'process'
Alias           gps -> Get-Process                                                                                     
Alias           kill -> Stop-Process                                                                                   
Alias           ps -> Get-Process                                                                                      
Alias           saps -> Start-Process                                                                                  
Alias           spps -> Stop-Process                                                                                   
Alias           start -> Start-Process                                                                                 

In [81]:
Get-Alias -Definition '*Item'
CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source                                   
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------                                   
Alias           cli -> Clear-Item                                                                                      
Alias           copy -> Copy-Item                                                                                      
Alias           cp -> Copy-Item                                                                                        
Alias           cpi -> Copy-Item                                                                                       
Alias           del -> Remove-Item                                                                                     
Alias           dir -> Get-ChildItem                                                                                   
Alias           erase -> Remove-Item                                                                                   
Alias           gci -> Get-ChildItem                                                                                   
Alias           gi -> Get-Item                                                                                         
Alias           ii -> Invoke-Item                                                                                      
Alias           ls -> Get-ChildItem                                                                                    
Alias           mi -> Move-Item                                                                                        
Alias           move -> Move-Item                                                                                      
Alias           mv -> Move-Item                                                                                        
Alias           ni -> New-Item                                                                                         
Alias           rd -> Remove-Item                                                                                      
Alias           ren -> Rename-Item                                                                                     
Alias           ri -> Remove-Item                                                                                      
Alias           rm -> Remove-Item                                                                                      
Alias           rmdir -> Remove-Item                                                                                   
Alias           rni -> Rename-Item                                                                                     
Alias           si -> Set-Item                                                                                         

In [29]:
Get-Alias | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'cat'} | Format-List *

HelpUri             :
ResolvedCommandName : Get-Content
DisplayName         : cat -> Get-Content
ReferencedCommand   : Get-Content
ResolvedCommand     : Get-Content
Definition          : Get-Content
Options             : AllScope
Description         : 
OutputType          : {System.Byte, System.String}
Name                : cat
CommandType         : Alias
Source              : 
Version             : 
Visibility          : Public
ModuleName          : 
Module              : 
RemotingCapability  : PowerShell
Parameters          : {[ReadCount, System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata], [TotalCount, 
                      System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata], [Tail, 
                      System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata], [Path, 
ParameterSets       : 

In [39]:
Get-Alias | Where-Object {$_.Definition -match 'Content'} | Sort-Object Definition | Format-Table Definition, Name, HelpUri
In [41]:
Get-Alias | Where-Object {$_.Definition -match 'Item$'} | Sort-Object Definition | Format-Table Definition, Name, HelpUri
In [86]:
Get-Alias -Definition '*Location' | Sort-Object Definition | Format-Table Definition, Name, HelpUri
In [91]:
gal -Def '*Path' | sort Definition | ft Definition, Name, HelpUri
Definition   Name HelpUri                                       
----------   ---- -------                                       
Convert-Path cvpa
Resolve-Path rvpa

In [51]:
Get-Alias | Where {$_.Definition -match 'Object$'} | Sort Definition | Select Definition, Name, HelpUri
In [59]:
Get-Alias | Where {$_.Definition -match '^Format'} | Sort Definition | Select Definition, Name, HelpUri | format-table *
Get-Alias | Where {$_.Definition -match 'Format'} | Sort Definition | Select Definition, Name, HelpUri | format-table *

Definition    Name HelpUri                                       
----------    ---- -------                                       
Format-Custom fc
Format-Hex    fhx
Format-List   fl
Format-Table  ft
Format-Wide   fw

Frequenctly Using

In [63]:
$ary_for_frequent_use_obj = @(
  'where','?','foreach','%','select','sort', 'group','measure','tee'
Get-Alias | Where {$_.Name -in $ary_for_frequent_use_obj} | Sort Definition | Select Definition, Name, HelpUri
In [73]:
$ary_for_frequent_cmd = @(
  'man', 'help', 'echo','write','cat','type','pwd','dir','ls','cd','chdir','clear','copy','cp', 'del','move','mv','ren','rm','rmdir', 'del', 'set'
Get-Alias | Where {$_.Name -in $ary_for_frequent_cmd} | Sort Definition | Select Definition, Name, HelpUri
In [75]:
$ary_other = @(
  'ise', 'ps', 'kill','curl','wget','sleep','history'
Get-Alias | Where {$_.Name -in $ary_other} | Sort Definition | Select Definition, Name, HelpUri
In [77]:
$ary_other_rare = @(
  'sls', 'fl', 'ft','gm','gal'
Get-Alias | Where {$_.Name -in $ary_other_rare} | Sort Definition | Select Definition, Name, HelpUri


In [116]:
CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source                                   
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------                                   
Alias           % -> ForEach-Object                                                                                    
Alias           ? -> Where-Object                                                                                      
Alias           ac -> Add-Content                                                                                      
Alias           asnp -> Add-PSSnapin                                                                                   
Alias           cat -> Get-Content                                                                                     
Alias           cd -> Set-Location                                                                                     
Alias           CFS -> ConvertFrom-String                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility             
Alias           chdir -> Set-Location                                                                                  
Alias           clc -> Clear-Content                                                                                   
Alias           clear -> Clear-Host                                                                                    
Alias           clhy -> Clear-History                                                                                  
Alias           cli -> Clear-Item                                                                                      
Alias           clp -> Clear-ItemProperty                                                                              
Alias           cls -> Clear-Host                                                                                      
Alias           clv -> Clear-Variable                                                                                  
Alias           cnsn -> Connect-PSSession                                                                              
Alias           compare -> Compare-Object                                                                              
Alias           copy -> Copy-Item                                                                                      
Alias           cp -> Copy-Item                                                                                        
Alias           cpi -> Copy-Item                                                                                       
Alias           cpp -> Copy-ItemProperty                                                                               
Alias           curl -> Invoke-WebRequest                                                                              
Alias           cvpa -> Convert-Path                                                                                   
Alias           dbp -> Disable-PSBreakpoint                                                                            
Alias           del -> Remove-Item                                                                                     
Alias           diff -> Compare-Object                                                                                 
Alias           dir -> Get-ChildItem                                                                                   
Alias           dnsn -> Disconnect-PSSession                                                                           
Alias           ebp -> Enable-PSBreakpoint                                                                             
Alias           echo -> Write-Output                                                                                   
Alias           epal -> Export-Alias                                                                                   
Alias           epcsv -> Export-Csv                                                                                    
Alias           epsn -> Export-PSSession                                                                               
Alias           erase -> Remove-Item                                                                                   
Alias           etsn -> Enter-PSSession                                                                                
Alias           exsn -> Exit-PSSession                                                                                 
Alias           fc -> Format-Custom                                                                                    
Alias           fhx -> Format-Hex                            Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility             
Alias           fl -> Format-List                                                                                      
Alias           foreach -> ForEach-Object                                                                              
Alias           ft -> Format-Table                                                                                     
Alias           fw -> Format-Wide                                                                                      
Alias           gal -> Get-Alias                                                                                       
Alias           gbp -> Get-PSBreakpoint                                                                                
Alias           gc -> Get-Content                                                                                      
Alias           gcb -> Get-Clipboard                         Microsoft.PowerShell.Management          
Alias           gci -> Get-ChildItem                                                                                   
Alias           gcm -> Get-Command                                                                                     
Alias           gcs -> Get-PSCallStack                                                                                 
Alias           gdr -> Get-PSDrive                                                                                     
Alias           ghy -> Get-History                                                                                     
Alias           gi -> Get-Item                                                                                         
Alias           gin -> Get-ComputerInfo                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Management          
Alias           gjb -> Get-Job                                                                                         
Alias           gl -> Get-Location                                                                                     
Alias           gm -> Get-Member                                                                                       
Alias           gmo -> Get-Module                                                                                      
Alias           gp -> Get-ItemProperty                                                                                 
Alias           gps -> Get-Process                                                                                     
Alias           gpv -> Get-ItemPropertyValue                                                                           
Alias           group -> Group-Object                                                                                  
Alias           gsn -> Get-PSSession                                                                                   
Alias           gsnp -> Get-PSSnapin                                                                                   
Alias           gsv -> Get-Service                                                                                     
Alias           gtz -> Get-TimeZone                          Microsoft.PowerShell.Management          
Alias           gu -> Get-Unique                                                                                       
Alias           gv -> Get-Variable                                                                                     
Alias           gwmi -> Get-WmiObject                                                                                  
Alias           h -> Get-History                                                                                       
Alias           history -> Get-History                                                                                 
Alias           icm -> Invoke-Command                                                                                  
Alias           iex -> Invoke-Expression                                                                               
Alias           ihy -> Invoke-History                                                                                  
Alias           ii -> Invoke-Item                                                                                      
Alias           ipal -> Import-Alias                                                                                   
Alias           ipcsv -> Import-Csv                                                                                    
Alias           ipmo -> Import-Module                                                                                  
Alias           ipsn -> Import-PSSession                                                                               
Alias           irm -> Invoke-RestMethod                                                                               
Alias           ise -> powershell_ise.exe                                                                              
Alias           iwmi -> Invoke-WmiMethod                                                                               
Alias           iwr -> Invoke-WebRequest                                                                               
Alias           kill -> Stop-Process                                                                                   
Alias           lp -> Out-Printer                                                                                      
Alias           ls -> Get-ChildItem                                                                                    
Alias           man -> help                                                                                            
Alias           md -> mkdir                                                                                            
Alias           measure -> Measure-Object                                                                              
Alias           mi -> Move-Item                                                                                        
Alias           mount -> New-PSDrive                                                                                   
Alias           move -> Move-Item                                                                                      
Alias           mp -> Move-ItemProperty                                                                                
Alias           mv -> Move-Item                                                                                        
Alias           nal -> New-Alias                                                                                       
Alias           ndr -> New-PSDrive                                                                                     
Alias           ni -> New-Item                                                                                         
Alias           nmo -> New-Module                                                                                      
Alias           npssc -> New-PSSessionConfigurationFile                                                                
Alias           nsn -> New-PSSession                                                                                   
Alias           nv -> New-Variable                                                                                     
Alias           ogv -> Out-GridView                                                                                    
Alias           oh -> Out-Host                                                                                         
Alias           popd -> Pop-Location                                                                                   
Alias           ps -> Get-Process                                                                                      
Alias           pushd -> Push-Location                                                                                 
Alias           pwd -> Get-Location                                                                                    
Alias           r -> Invoke-History                                                                                    
Alias           rbp -> Remove-PSBreakpoint                                                                             
Alias           rcjb -> Receive-Job                                                                                    
Alias           rcsn -> Receive-PSSession                                                                              
Alias           rd -> Remove-Item                                                                                      
Alias           rdr -> Remove-PSDrive                                                                                  
Alias           ren -> Rename-Item                                                                                     
Alias           ri -> Remove-Item                                                                                      
Alias           rjb -> Remove-Job                                                                                      
Alias           rm -> Remove-Item                                                                                      
Alias           rmdir -> Remove-Item                                                                                   
Alias           rmo -> Remove-Module                                                                                   
Alias           rni -> Rename-Item                                                                                     
Alias           rnp -> Rename-ItemProperty                                                                             
Alias           rp -> Remove-ItemProperty                                                                              
Alias           rsn -> Remove-PSSession                                                                                
Alias           rsnp -> Remove-PSSnapin                                                                                
Alias           rujb -> Resume-Job                                                                                     
Alias           rv -> Remove-Variable                                                                                  
Alias           rvpa -> Resolve-Path                                                                                   
Alias           rwmi -> Remove-WmiObject                                                                               
Alias           sajb -> Start-Job                                                                                      
Alias           sal -> Set-Alias                                                                                       
Alias           saps -> Start-Process                                                                                  
Alias           sasv -> Start-Service                                                                                  
Alias           sbp -> Set-PSBreakpoint                                                                                
Alias           sc -> Set-Content                                                                                      
Alias           scb -> Set-Clipboard                         Microsoft.PowerShell.Management          
Alias           select -> Select-Object                                                                                
Alias           set -> Set-Variable                                                                                    
Alias           shcm -> Show-Command                                                                                   
Alias           si -> Set-Item                                                                                         
Alias           sl -> Set-Location                                                                                     
Alias           sleep -> Start-Sleep                                                                                   
Alias           sls -> Select-String                                                                                   
Alias           sort -> Sort-Object                                                                                    
Alias           sp -> Set-ItemProperty                                                                                 
Alias           spjb -> Stop-Job                                                                                       
Alias           spps -> Stop-Process                                                                                   
Alias           spsv -> Stop-Service                                                                                   
Alias           start -> Start-Process                                                                                 
Alias           stz -> Set-TimeZone                          Microsoft.PowerShell.Management          
Alias           sujb -> Suspend-Job                                                                                    
Alias           sv -> Set-Variable                                                                                     
Alias           swmi -> Set-WmiInstance                                                                                
Alias           tee -> Tee-Object                                                                                      
Alias           trcm -> Trace-Command                                                                                  
Alias           type -> Get-Content                                                                                    
Alias           wget -> Invoke-WebRequest                                                                              
Alias           where -> Where-Object                                                                                  
Alias           wjb -> Wait-Job                                                                                        
Alias           write -> Write-Output                                                                                  

In [124]:
Help about_alias

    Describes how to use alternate names for cmdlets and commands in Windows

    An alias is an alternate name or nickname for a cmdlet or for a command
    element, such as a function, script, file, or executable file. You
    can use the alias instead of the command name in any Windows PowerShell
    To create an alias, use the New-Alias cmdlet. For example, the following
    command creates the "gas" alias for the Get-AuthenticodeSignature cmdlet:

        New-Alias -Name gas -Value Get-AuthenticodeSignature

    After you create the alias for the cmdlet name, you can use the alias 
    instead of the cmdlet name. For example, to get the Authenticode signature
    for the SqlScript.ps1 file, type:

        Get-AuthenticodeSignature SqlScript.ps1

    Or, type:

        gas SqlScript.ps1

    If you create "word" as the alias for Microsoft Office Word, you can type
    "word" instead of the following:

        "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\Winword.exe" 

    Windows PowerShell includes a set of built-in aliases, including "cd" and
    "chdir" for the Set-Location cmdlet, and "ls" and "dir" for the
    Get-ChildItem cmdlet. 

    To get all the aliases on the computer, including the built-in aliases,


    Windows PowerShell includes the following cmdlets, which are designed for
    working with aliases: 

        - Get-Alias. Gets all the aliases in the current session.
        - New-Alias. Creates a new alias.
        - Set-Alias. Creates or changes an alias.
        - Export-Alias. Exports one or more aliases to a file.
        - Import-Alias. Imports an alias file into Windows PowerShell. 

    For detailed information about the cmdlets, type:

Get-Help <cmdlet-Name> -Detailed

    For example, type:

Get-Help Export-Alias -Detailed

    To create a new alias, use the New-Alias cmdlet. For example, to create the
    "gh" alias for Get-Help, type:

New-Alias -Name gh -Value Get-Help

    You can use the alias in commands, just as you would use the full cmdlet
    name, and you can use the alias with parameters.

    For example, to get detailed Help for the Get-WmiObject cmdlet, type:

Get-Help Get-WmiObject -Detailed

    Or, type:

gh Get-WmiObject -Detailed

    The aliases that you create are saved only in the current session. To use
    the aliases in a different session, add the alias to your Windows 
    PowerShell profile. Or, use the Export-Alias cmdlet to save the aliases to
    a file. 
    For more information, type:

        Get-Help about_Profiles

    To get all the aliases in the current session, including the built-in
    aliases, the aliases in your Windows PowerShell profiles, and the aliases
    that you have created in the current session, type:

    To get particular aliases, use the Name parameter of the Get-Alias cmdlet.
    For example, to get aliases that begin with "p", type:

Get-Alias -Name p*

    To get the aliases for a particular item, use the Definition parameter.
    For example, to get the aliases for the Get-ChildItem cmdlet type:

Get-Alias -Definition Get-ChildItem


     Get-Alias returns only one type of object, an AliasInfo object 
     (System.Management.Automation.AliasInfo). However, beginning in
     Windows PowerShell 3.0, the name of aliases that don't include a
     hyphen, such as "cd" are displayed in the following format:
         <alias> -> <definition>

     For example,

         ac -> Add-Content  

     This makes it very quick and easy to get the information that you

     The arrow-based alias name format is not used for aliases that
     include a hyphen. These are likely to be preferred substitute 
     names for cmdlets and functions, instead of typical abbreviations
     or nicknames, and the author might not want them to be as evident.

    You can assign an alias to a cmdlet, script, function, or executable file.
    However, you cannot assign an alias to a command and its parameters.
    For example, you can assign an alias to the Get-Eventlog cmdlet, but you
    cannot assign an alias to the "Get-Eventlog -LogName System" command.

    However, you can create a function that includes the command. To create a
    function, type the word "function" followed by a name for the function.
    Type the command, and enclose it in braces ({}).

    For example, the following command creates the syslog function. This
    function represents the "Get-Eventlog -LogName System" command:

function syslog {Get-Eventlog -LogName System}

    You can now type "syslog" instead of the command. And, you can create
    aliases for the syslog function.

    For more information about functions, type:

Get-Help about_Functions

     Windows PowerShell aliases are represented by objects that are instances
     of the System.Management.Automation.AliasInfo class. For more information
     about this type of object, see "AliasInfo Class" in the Microsoft 
     Developer Network (MSDN) library at

     To view the properties and methods of the alias objects, get the
     aliases. Then, pipe them to the Get-Member cmdlet. For example:

Get-Alias | Get-Member

     To view the values of the properties of a specific alias, such as the 
     "dir" alias, get the alias. Then, pipe it to the Format-List cmdlet. For
     example, the following command gets the "dir" alias. Next, the command
     pipes the alias to the Format-List cmdlet. Then, the command uses the 
     Property parameter of Format-List with a wildcard character (*) to display
     all the properties of the "dir" alias. The following command performs
     these tasks:

Get-Alias -Name dir | Format-List -Property *

    Windows PowerShell includes the Alias provider. The Alias provider lets you
    view the aliases in Windows PowerShell as though they were on a file system

    The Alias provider exposes the Alias: drive. To go into the Alias: drive,

Set-Location Alias:

    To view the contents of the drive, type:


    To view the contents of the drive from another Windows PowerShell drive,
    begin the path with the drive name. Include the colon (:). For example:

Get-ChildItem -Path Alias:

    To get information about a particular alias, type the drive name and
    the alias name. Or, type a name pattern. For example, to get all the 
    aliases that begin with "p", type:

Get-ChildItem -Path Alias:p*

    For more information about the Windows PowerShell Alias provider,

Get-Help Alias



In [ ]:





Image from Gyazo

jupyter notebook



In [1]:
$d = @{
  'script' = 'powershell'
  'os' = 'windows 10'
  'date' = Get-Date

In [2]:
Name                           Value                                                                                   
----                           -----                                                                                   
date                           02/09/2019 13:47:21                                                                     
script                         powershell                                                                              
os                             windows 10                                                                              

In [3]:
In [4]:
IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType                                                    
-------- -------- ----                                     --------                                                    
True     True     Hashtable                                System.Object                                               

In [5]:
IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType                                                    
-------- -------- ----                                     --------                                                    
True     True     String                                   System.Object                                               

In [6]:
IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType                                                    
-------- -------- ----                                     --------                                                    
True     True     DateTime                                 System.ValueType                                            


In [7]:
Get-Help -Category HelpFile | where-object {$_.Name -match "hash"}
Name                              Category  Module                    Synopsis                                         
----                              --------  ------                    --------                                         
about_Hash_Tables                 HelpFile                            Describes how to create, use, and sort hash ta...

In [72]:
Get-Help about_Hash* | set -Name store
$store -split "`r`n" | set -Name ary_store
$ary_store[0..25] + 'and more .....'
Get-Help about_Hash* | set -Name store
$store -split "`r`n" | set -Name ary_store
$ary_store[0..25] + 'and more .....'

    Describes how to create, use, and sort hash tables in Windows PowerShell.

    A hash table, also known as a dictionary or associative array, is a
    compact data structure that stores one or more key/value pairs. For
    example, a hash table might contain a series of IP addresses and
    computer names, where the IP addresses are the keys and the computer
    names are the values, or vice versa.

    In Windows PowerShell, each hash table is a Hashtable 
    (System.Collections.Hashtable) object.  You can use the properties
    and methods of Hashtable objects in Windows PowerShell.

    Beginning in Windows PowerShell 3.0, you can use the [ordered]
    attribute to create an ordered dictionary
    (System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary) in Windows PowerShell.
    Ordered dictionaries differ from hash tables in that the keys always
    appear in the order in which you list them. The order of keys in a hash
    table is not determined.

and more .....


Empty object

In [74]:
$dic = @{}

truthiness and falsiness
In [10]:
In [11]:
In [12]:


In [78]:
$dic | Get-Member -MemberType Property | select Name, Definition
Name           Definition                                  
----           ----------                                  
Count          int Count {get;}                            
IsFixedSize    bool IsFixedSize {get;}                     
IsReadOnly     bool IsReadOnly {get;}                      
IsSynchronized bool IsSynchronized {get;}                  
Keys           System.Collections.ICollection Keys {get;}  
SyncRoot       System.Object SyncRoot {get;}               
Values         System.Collections.ICollection Values {get;}

In [14]:
$dic | Get-Member -MemberType Method | Format-Table Name, Definition
Name              Definition                                                                                           
----              ----------                                                                                           
Add               void Add(System.Object key, System.Object value), void IDictionary.Add(System.Object key, System.O...
Clear             void Clear(), void IDictionary.Clear()                                                               
Clone             System.Object Clone(), System.Object ICloneable.Clone()                                              
Contains          bool Contains(System.Object key), bool IDictionary.Contains(System.Object key)                       
ContainsKey       bool ContainsKey(System.Object key)                                                                  
ContainsValue     bool ContainsValue(System.Object value)                                                              
CopyTo            void CopyTo(array array, int arrayIndex), void ICollection.CopyTo(array array, int index)            
Equals            bool Equals(System.Object obj)                                                                       
GetEnumerator     System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator(), System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator...
GetHashCode       int GetHashCode()                                                                                    
GetObjectData     void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serializati...
GetType           type GetType()                                                                                       
OnDeserialization void OnDeserialization(System.Object sender), void IDeserializationCallback.OnDeserialization(Syst...
Remove            void Remove(System.Object key), void IDictionary.Remove(System.Object key)                           
ToString          string ToString()                                                                                    


In [15]:
$dic = @{}
$dic | Get-Member -MemberType Method | foreach-object { $_.Name}
$dic = @{}
$dic | Get-Member -MemberType Method | foreach-object { $_.Name} 


In [18]:
$dic = @{}

In [19]:
$dic.Add('one', 1)
$dic.Add('Two', 2)
$dic.Add('Three', 3)
$dic.Add('one', 1)
$dic.Add('Two', 2)
$dic.Add('Three', 3)

In [20]:
Name                           Value                                                                                   
----                           -----                                                                                   
one                            1                                                                                       
Three                          3                                                                                       
Two                            2                                                                                       


In [21]:
foreach($itm in $dic.GetEnumerator())
  echo $itm.Key $itm.Value
In [22]:
foreach($key in $dic.Keys)
  echo $Key ($dic[$key] + 10)


In [23]:
Name                           Value                                                                                   
----                           -----                                                                                   
one                            1                                                                                       
Three                          3                                                                                       
Two                            2                                                                                       

In [24]:
In [25]:
In [26]:
In [27]:

Remove and Clear

In [28]:
Name                           Value                                                                                   
----                           -----                                                                                   
one                            1                                                                                       
Three                          3                                                                                       
Two                            2                                                                                       

In [29]:

In [30]:
Name                           Value                                                                                   
----                           -----                                                                                   
one                            1                                                                                       
Three                          3                                                                                       

In [31]:

In [32]:
Name                           Value                                                                                   
----                           -----                                                                                   
one                            1                                                                                       
Three                          3                                                                                       

In [33]:

In [34]:
echo "dic = $dic"
dic = System.Collections.Hashtable
In [35]:
echo "dic---" $dic "+++"


In [36]:
$dic_org = @{
  'first' = '1st'
  'second' = '2nd'
  'third' = '3rd'
  'fourth' = '4th'

In [37]:
Name                           Value                                                                                   
----                           -----                                                                                   
third                          3rd                                                                                     
first                          1st                                                                                     
second                         2nd                                                                                     
fourth                         4th                                                                                     

In [38]:
$dic_dist = $dic_org

In [39]:
$dic_dist['first'] = '1st step'

In [40]:
Name                           Value                                                                                   
----                           -----                                                                                   
third                          3rd                                                                                     
first                          1st step                                                                                
second                         2nd                                                                                     
fourth                         4th                                                                                     

In [41]:
Name                           Value                                                                                   
----                           -----                                                                                   
third                          3rd                                                                                     
first                          1st step                                                                                
second                         2nd                                                                                     
fourth                         4th                                                                                     

In [42]:
$dic_dist_deep = $dic_org.Clone()
$dic_dist_deep['first'] = '1st'
$dic_dist_deep = $dic_org.Clone()
$dic_dist_deep['first'] = '1st'

In [43]:
In [44]:
1st step

hash -> string

In [45]:
$dic_for_conv = @{
  'one' = 1
  'two' = 2
  'three' = 3
$dic_for_conv = @{
>>   'one' = 1
>>   'two' = 2
>>   'three' = 3
>> }

In [46]:
Name                           Value                                                                                   
----                           -----                                                                                   
one                            1                                                                                       
three                          3                                                                                       
two                            2                                                                                       

In [47]:
write-host $dic_for_conv
System.Collections.DictionaryEntry System.Collections.DictionaryEntry System.Collections.DictionaryEntry
In [48]:
echo "dic_for_conv = $dic_for_conv"
dic_for_conv = System.Collections.Hashtable
In [49]:
echo "dic_for_conv = " $dic_for_conv
dic_for_conv = 

Name                           Value                                                                                   
----                           -----                                                                                   
one                            1                                                                                       
three                          3                                                                                       
two                            2                                                                                       

In [50]:
In [51]:
$dic_for_conv | Convertto-Csv
#TYPE System.Collections.Hashtable
  • Convertto-Csv Image from Gyazo
In [52]:
$dic_for_conv | Convertto-Csv -NoTypeInformation
In [53]:
$dic_for_conv | Get-Member -MemberType Property

   TypeName: System.Collections.Hashtable

Name           MemberType Definition                                  
----           ---------- ----------                                  
Count          Property   int Count {get;}                            
IsFixedSize    Property   bool IsFixedSize {get;}                     
IsReadOnly     Property   bool IsReadOnly {get;}                      
IsSynchronized Property   bool IsSynchronized {get;}                  
Keys           Property   System.Collections.ICollection Keys {get;}  
SyncRoot       Property   System.Object SyncRoot {get;}               
Values         Property   System.Collections.ICollection Values {get;}

In [54]:
$dic_for_conv | Convertto-Json
    "one":  1,
    "three":  3,
    "two":  2

Convertto-Json Convertto-Json

In [55]:
echo "dic_for_conv Json = " ; $dic_for_conv | Convertto-Json
dic_for_conv Json = 
    "one":  1,
    "three":  3,
    "two":  2

hash -> psobj

In [56]:
$jsn = $dic_for_conv | Convertto-Json -Compress

In [57]:
echo "dic_for_conv Json = $jsn"
dic_for_conv Json = {"one":1,"three":3,"two":2}
In [58]:
$psobj = $jsn | ConvertFrom-Json
$psobj = $jsn | ConvertFrom-Json

one three two
--- ----- ---
  1     3   2

In [59]:

In [60]:
$psobj | Convertto-Csv -NoType
In [61]:
$psobj | Convertto-Json -Compre
In [82]:
$dic_for_conv | Convertto-Json | ConvertFrom-Json | set -Name psobj2
$dic_for_conv | Convertto-Json | ConvertFrom-Json | set -Name psobj2

In [84]:
one three two
--- ----- ---
  1     3   2


In [62]:
$dic_for_serialized = @{
  'one' = '1st'
  'two' = '2nd'
  'three' = '3rd'
$dic_for_serialized = @{
>>   'one' = '1st'
>>   'two' = '2nd'
>>   'three' = '3rd'
>> }

In [63]:
$dic_for_serialized | Export-Clixml dic_for_serialized.clixml

In [64]:

In [65]:
dir $pwd/*.clixml

    Directory: G:\workspace\pwshnote

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name                                                                  
----                -------------         ------ ----                                                                  
-a----       02/09/2019     13:47            990 dic_for_serialized.clixml                                             

In [66]:
cat dic_for_serialized.clixml
<Objs Version="" xmlns="">">
  <Obj RefId="0">
    <TN RefId="0">
        <S N="Key">one</S>
        <S N="Value">1st</S>
        <S N="Key">three</S>
        <S N="Value">3rd</S>
        <S N="Key">two</S>
        <S N="Value">2nd</S>
In [67]:
$dic_for_deserialized = Import-Clixml dic_for_serialized.clixml

In [68]:
Name                           Value                                                                                   
----                           -----                                                                                   
one                            1st                                                                                     
three                          3rd                                                                                     
two                            2nd                                                                                     


In [69]:
Get-Help about_Hash_Tables

    Describes how to create, use, and sort hash tables in Windows PowerShell.

    A hash table, also known as a dictionary or associative array, is a
    compact data structure that stores one or more key/value pairs. For
    example, a hash table might contain a series of IP addresses and
    computer names, where the IP addresses are the keys and the computer
    names are the values, or vice versa.

    In Windows PowerShell, each hash table is a Hashtable 
    (System.Collections.Hashtable) object.  You can use the properties
    and methods of Hashtable objects in Windows PowerShell.

    Beginning in Windows PowerShell 3.0, you can use the [ordered]
    attribute to create an ordered dictionary
    (System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary) in Windows PowerShell.
    Ordered dictionaries differ from hash tables in that the keys always
    appear in the order in which you list them. The order of keys in a hash
    table is not determined.

    The keys and value in hash tables are also .NET objects. They are most
    often strings or integers, but they can have any object type. You can also
    create nested hash tables, in which the value of a key is another hash table.

    Hash tables are frequently used because they are very efficient for finding
    and retrieving data. You can use hash tables to store lists and to create
    calculated properties in Windows PowerShell. And, Windows PowerShell has a
    cmdlet, ConvertFrom-StringData, that converts strings to a hash table.

     The syntax of a hash table is as follows:

          @{ <name> = <value>; [<name> = <value> ] ...}

     The syntax of an ordered dictionary is as follows:

          [ordered]@{ <name> = <value>; [<name> = <value> ] ...}

     The [ordered] attribute was introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0.

  Creating Hash Tables
     To create a hash table, follow these guidelines:

          - Begin the hash table with an at sign (@).

          - Enclose the hash table in braces ({}).

          - Enter one or more key/value pairs for the content of the hash 

          - Use an equal sign (=) to separate each key from its value.

          - Use a semicolon (;) or a line break to separate the
            key/value pairs.

          - Key that contains spaces must be enclosed in quotation marks.
            Values must be valid Windows PowerShell expressions. Strings 
            must appear in quotation marks, even if they do not include

          - To manage the hash table, save it in a variable.
          - When assigning an ordered hash table to a variable, place
            the [ordered] attribute before the "@" symbol. If you place
            it before the variable name, the command fails.

      To create an empty hash table in the value of $hash, type:

          $hash = @{}

      You can also add keys and values to a hash table when you create it. For
      example, the following statement creates a hash table with three keys.

          $hash = @{ Number = 1; Shape = "Square"; Color = "Blue"}

  Creating Ordered Dictionaries
    You can create an ordered dictionary by adding an object of the 
    OrderedDictiory type, but the easiest way to create an ordered 
    dictionary is use the [Ordered] attribute.

    The [ordered] attribute is introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0.

    Place the attribute immediately before the "@" symbol.

          $hash = [ordered]@{ Number = 1; Shape = "Square"; Color = "Blue"}
    You can use ordered dictionaries in the same way that you use hash tables.
    Either type can be used as the value of parameters that take a hash table
    or dictionary (iDictionary). 

    You cannot use the [ordered] attribute to convert or cast a hash
    hash table. If you place the ordered attribute before the variable 
    name, the command fails with the following error message.

        PS C:\> [ordered]$hash = @{}
        At line:1 char:1
        + [ordered]$hash = @{}
        + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        The ordered attribute can be specified only on a hash literal node.
        + CategoryInfo          : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : OrderedAttributeOnlyOnHashLiteralNode

    To correct the expression, move the [ordered] attribute.     
        PS C:\> $hash = [ordered]@{}

    You can cast an ordered dictionary to a hash table, but you cannot 
    recover the ordered attribute, even if you clear the variable and 
    enter new values. To re-establish the order, you must remove and
    recreate the variable.

        PS C:\> [hashtable]$hash = [ordered]@{ Number = 1; Shape = "Square"; Color = "Blue"}
        PS C:\ps-test> $hash

        Name                           Value
        ----                           -----
        Color                          Blue
        Shape                          Square
        Number                         1

  Displaying Hash Tables 
     To display a hash table that is saved in a variable, type the variable
     name. By default, a hash tables is displayed as a table with one column 
     for keys and one for values.

          C:\PS> $hash
          Name                           Value
          ----                           -----
          Shape                          Square
          Color                          Blue
          Number                         1

     Hash tables have Keys and Values properties. Use dot notation to display
     all of the keys or all of the values.

          C:\PS> $hash.keys
          C:\PS> $hash.values

     Each key name is also a property of the hash table, and its value is 
     the value of the key-name property. Use the following format to display the
     property values.


     For example:

          C:\PS> $hash.Number

          C:\PS> $hash.Color
     Hash tables have a Count property that indicates the number of key-value
     pairs in the hash table.

          C:\PS> $hash.count

     Hash table tables are not arrays, so you cannot use an integer as an
     index into the hash table, but you can use a key name to index into the
     hash table. If the key is a string value, enclose the key name in quotation

     For example:

          C:\PS> $hash["Number"]

  Adding and Removing Keys and Values
      To add keys and values to a hash table, use the following command

          $hash["<key>"] = "<value>"

      For example, to add a "Time" key with a value of "Now" to the hash
      table, use the following statement format.

          $hash["Time"] = "Now"

      You can also add keys and values to a hash table by using the Add
      method of the System.Collections.Hashtable object. The Add method 
      has the following syntax:

          Add(Key, Value)

      For example, to add a "Time" key with a value of "Now" to the hash
      table, use the following statement format.

          $hash = $hash.Add("Time", "Now")

      And, you can add keys and values to a hash table by using the addition 
      operator (+) to add a hash table to an existing hash table. For example,
      the following statement adds a "Time" key with a value of "Now" to the 
      hash table in the $hash variable.

          $hash = $hash + @{Time="Now"}

      You can also add values that are stored in variables.
          $t = "Today"
          $now = (Get-Date)
          $hash.Add($t, $now)      

      You cannot use a subtraction operator to remove a key/value pair from
      a hash table, but you can use the Remove method of the Hashtable object.
      The Remove method takes the key as its value. 

      The Remove method has the following syntax:


      For example, to remove the Time=Now key/value pair from the hash table in
      the value of the $hash variable, type: 


      You can use all of the properties and methods of Hashtable objects in
      Windows PowerShell, including Contains, Clear, Clone, and CopyTo. For
      more information about Hashtable objects, see 
      "System.Collections.Hashtable" on MSDN.

  Object Types in HashTables  
      The keys and values in a hash table can have any .NET object type, 
      and a single hash table can have keys and values of multiple types.

      The following statement creates a hash table of process name strings
      and process object values and saves it in the $p variable.

          $p = @{"PowerShell" = (get-process PowerShell); 
          "Notepad" = (get-process notepad)}

      You can display the hash table in $p and use the key-name properties
      to display the values.

          C:\PS> $p

          Name                           Value
          ----                           -----
          PowerShell                     System.Diagnostics.Process (PowerShell)
          Notepad                        System.Diagnostics.Process (notepad)


          C:\PS> $p.PowerShell        
          Handles  NPM(K)    PM(K)      WS(K) VM(M)   CPU(s)     Id ProcessName
          -------  ------    -----      ----- -----   ------     -- -----------
              441      24    54196      54012   571     5.10   1788 PowerShell

          C:\PS> $p.keys | foreach {$p.$_.handles}

       The keys in a hash table can also be any .NET type. The following
       statement adds a key/value pair to the hash table in the $p variable.
       The key is a Service object that represents the WinRM service, and the
       value is the current status of the service.

           C:\PS> $p = $p + @{(Get-Service WinRM) = ((Get-Service WinRM).Status)}

       You can display and access the new key/value pair by using the same
       methods that you use for other pairs in the hash table.

           C:\PS> $p

           Name                           Value
           ----                           -----
           PowerShell                     System.Diagnostics.Process (PowerShell)
           Notepad                        System.Diagnostics.Process (notepad)
           System.ServiceProcess.Servi... Running

           C:\PS> $p.keys

           Status   Name               DisplayName
           ------   ----               -----------
           Running  winrm              Windows Remote Management (WS-Manag...

           C:\PS> $p.keys | foreach {$}

       The keys and values in a hash table can also be Hashtable objects. The
       following statement adds key/value pair to the hash table in the $p 
       variable in which the key is a string, Hash2, and the value is a hash
       table with three key/value pairs.

          C:\PS> $p = $p + @{"Hash2"= @{a=1; b=2; c=3}}

       You can display and access the new values by using the same methods.

          C:\PS> $p

          Name                           Value
          ----                           -----
          PowerShell                     System.Diagnostics.Process (PowerShell)
          Notepad                        System.Diagnostics.Process (notepad)
          System.ServiceProcess.Servi... Running
          Hash2                          {a, b, c}

          C:\PS> $p.Hash2

          Name                           Value
          ----                           -----
          a                              1
          b                              2
          c                              3

          C:\PS> $p.Hash2.b

  Sorting Keys and Values
      The items in a hash table are intrinsically unordered. The key/value
      pairs might appear in a different order each time that you display

      Although you cannot sort a hash table, you can use the GetEnumerator
      method of hash tables to enumerate the keys and values, and then use
      the Sort-Object cmdlet to sort the enumerated values for display.

      For example, the following commands enumerate the keys and values
      in the hash table in the $p variable and then sort the keys in 
      alphabetical order.

          C:\PS> $p.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property key

          Name                           Value
          ----                           -----
          Notepad                        System.Diagnostics.Process (notepad)
          PowerShell                     System.Diagnostics.Process (PowerShell)
          System.ServiceProcess.Servi... Running

      The following command uses the same procedure to sort the hash values in 
      descending order.

          C:\PS> $p.getenumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Value -Descending

          Name                           Value
          ----                           -----
          PowerShell                     System.Diagnostics.Process (PowerShell)
          Notepad                        System.Diagnostics.Process (notepad)
          System.ServiceProcess.Servi... Running

  Creating Objects from Hash Tables
      Beginning in Windows PowerShell 3.0, you can create an object from a
      hash table of properties and property values.

       The syntax is as follows:

      This method works only for classes that have a null 
      constructor, that is, a constructor that has no parameters. 
      The object properties must be public and settable.

      For more information, see about_Object_Creation.

      The ConvertFrom-StringData cmdlet converts a string or a here-string of 
      key/value pairs into a hash table. You can use the 
      ConvertFrom-StringData cmdlet safely in the Data section of a script, 
      and you can use it with the Import-LocalizedData cmdlet to display user
      messages in the user-interface (UI) culture of the current user.

      Here-strings are especially useful when the values in the hash table 
      include quotation marks. (For more information about here-strings, see

      The following example shows how to create a here-string of the user 
      messages in the previous example and how to use ConvertFrom-StringData
      to convert them from a string into a hash table.

      The following command creates a here-string of the key/value pairs and
      then saves it in the $string variable.

          C:\PS> $string = @"
          Msg1 = Type "Windows".
          Msg2 = She said, "Hello, World."
          Msg3 = Enter an alias (or "nickname").

    This command uses the ConvertFrom-StringData cmdlet to convert the 
    here-string into a hash table.

        C:\PS> ConvertFrom-StringData $string

        Name                           Value
        ----                           -----
        Msg3                           Enter an alias (or "nickname").
        Msg2                           She said, "Hello, World."
        Msg1                           Type "Windows".

    For more information about here-strings, see about_Quoting_Rules.

    "System.Collections.Hashtable" on MSDN

In [ ]:




jupyter notebook

変数としてのarray の定義


In [1]:
$ary = @('power','shell')

In [2]:
In [3]:
$ary_empty = @()


In [4]:

In [5]:
$ary_other_def = 'power', 'shell', 'other', 'array'

In [6]:


In [7]:
$ary.GetType() | Format-List

Module                     : CommonLanguageRuntimeLibrary
Assembly                   : mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
TypeHandle                 : System.RuntimeTypeHandle
DeclaringMethod            : 
BaseType                   : System.Array
UnderlyingSystemType       : System.Object[]
FullName                   : System.Object[]
AssemblyQualifiedName      : System.Object[], mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, 
Namespace                  : System
GUID                       : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
IsEnum                     : False
GenericParameterAttributes : 
IsSecurityCritical         : False
IsSecuritySafeCritical     : False
IsSecurityTransparent      : True
IsGenericTypeDefinition    : False
IsGenericParameter         : False
GenericParameterPosition   : 
IsGenericType              : False
IsConstructedGenericType   : False
ContainsGenericParameters  : False
StructLayoutAttribute      : 
Name                       : Object[]
MemberType                 : TypeInfo
DeclaringType              : 
ReflectedType              : 
MetadataToken              : 33554432
GenericTypeParameters      : {}
DeclaredConstructors       : {Void .ctor(Int32)}
DeclaredEvents             : {}
DeclaredFields             : {}
DeclaredMembers            : {Void Set(Int32, System.Object), System.Object& Address(Int32), System.Object Get(Int32), 
                             Void .ctor(Int32)}
DeclaredMethods            : {Void Set(Int32, System.Object), System.Object& Address(Int32), System.Object Get(Int32)}
DeclaredNestedTypes        : {}
DeclaredProperties         : {}
ImplementedInterfaces      : {System.ICloneable, System.Collections.IList, System.Collections.ICollection, 
TypeInitializer            : 
IsNested                   : False
Attributes                 : AutoLayout, AnsiClass, Class, Public, Sealed, Serializable
IsVisible                  : True
IsNotPublic                : False
IsPublic                   : True
IsNestedPublic             : False
IsNestedPrivate            : False
IsNestedFamily             : False
IsNestedAssembly           : False
IsNestedFamANDAssem        : False
IsNestedFamORAssem         : False
IsAutoLayout               : True
IsLayoutSequential         : False
IsExplicitLayout           : False
IsClass                    : True
IsInterface                : False
IsValueType                : False
IsAbstract                 : False
IsSealed                   : True
IsSpecialName              : False
IsImport                   : False
IsSerializable             : True
IsAnsiClass                : True
IsUnicodeClass             : False
IsAutoClass                : False
IsArray                    : True
IsByRef                    : False
IsPointer                  : False
IsPrimitive                : False
IsCOMObject                : False
HasElementType             : True
IsContextful               : False
IsMarshalByRef             : False
GenericTypeArguments       : {}
CustomAttributes           : {[System.SerializableAttribute()]}

$ary | Get-Member

In [28]:
$ary | Get-Member | format-table Name, Definition
Name             Definition                                                                                            
----             ----------                                                                                            
Clone            System.Object Clone(), System.Object ICloneable.Clone()                                               
CompareTo        int CompareTo(System.Object value), int CompareTo(string strB), int IComparable.CompareTo(System.Ob...
Contains         bool Contains(string value)                                                                           
CopyTo           void CopyTo(int sourceIndex, char[] destination, int destinationIndex, int count)                     
EndsWith         bool EndsWith(string value), bool EndsWith(string value, System.StringComparison comparisonType), b...
Equals           bool Equals(System.Object obj), bool Equals(string value), bool Equals(string value, System.StringC...
GetEnumerator    System.CharEnumerator GetEnumerator(), System.Collections.IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(), ...
GetHashCode      int GetHashCode()                                                                                     
GetType          type GetType()                                                                                        
GetTypeCode      System.TypeCode GetTypeCode(), System.TypeCode IConvertible.GetTypeCode()                             
IndexOf          int IndexOf(char value), int IndexOf(char value, int startIndex), int IndexOf(char value, int start...
IndexOfAny       int IndexOfAny(char[] anyOf), int IndexOfAny(char[] anyOf, int startIndex), int IndexOfAny(char[] a...
Insert           string Insert(int startIndex, string value)                                                           
IsNormalized     bool IsNormalized(), bool IsNormalized(System.Text.NormalizationForm normalizationForm)               
LastIndexOf      int LastIndexOf(char value), int LastIndexOf(char value, int startIndex), int LastIndexOf(char valu...
LastIndexOfAny   int LastIndexOfAny(char[] anyOf), int LastIndexOfAny(char[] anyOf, int startIndex), int LastIndexOf...
Normalize        string Normalize(), string Normalize(System.Text.NormalizationForm normalizationForm)                 
PadLeft          string PadLeft(int totalWidth), string PadLeft(int totalWidth, char paddingChar)                      
PadRight         string PadRight(int totalWidth), string PadRight(int totalWidth, char paddingChar)                    
Remove           string Remove(int startIndex, int count), string Remove(int startIndex)                               
Replace          string Replace(char oldChar, char newChar), string Replace(string oldValue, string newValue)          
Split            string[] Split(Params char[] separator), string[] Split(char[] separator, int count), string[] Spli...
StartsWith       bool StartsWith(string value), bool StartsWith(string value, System.StringComparison comparisonType...
Substring        string Substring(int startIndex), string Substring(int startIndex, int length)                        
ToBoolean        bool IConvertible.ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                          
ToByte           byte IConvertible.ToByte(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                             
ToChar           char IConvertible.ToChar(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                             
ToCharArray      char[] ToCharArray(), char[] ToCharArray(int startIndex, int length)                                  
ToDateTime       datetime IConvertible.ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                     
ToDecimal        decimal IConvertible.ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                       
ToDouble         double IConvertible.ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                         
ToInt16          int16 IConvertible.ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                           
ToInt32          int IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                             
ToInt64          long IConvertible.ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                            
ToLower          string ToLower(), string ToLower(cultureinfo culture)                                                 
ToLowerInvariant string ToLowerInvariant()                                                                             
ToSByte          sbyte IConvertible.ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                           
ToSingle         float IConvertible.ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                          
ToString         string ToString(), string ToString(System.IFormatProvider provider), string IConvertible.ToString(S...
ToType           System.Object IConvertible.ToType(type conversionType, System.IFormatProvider provider)               
ToUInt16         uint16 IConvertible.ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                         
ToUInt32         uint32 IConvertible.ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                         
ToUInt64         uint64 IConvertible.ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider provider)                                         
ToUpper          string ToUpper(), string ToUpper(cultureinfo culture)                                                 
ToUpperInvariant string ToUpperInvariant()                                                                             
Trim             string Trim(Params char[] trimChars), string Trim()                                                   
TrimEnd          string TrimEnd(Params char[] trimChars)                                                               
TrimStart        string TrimStart(Params char[] trimChars)                                                             
Chars            char Chars(int index) {get;}                                                                          
Length           int Length {get;}                                                                                     

In [10]:
Get-Member -InputObject $ary -MemberType Method | format-table Name, Definition
Name          Definition                                                                                               
----          ----------                                                                                               
Add           int IList.Add(System.Object value)                                                                       
Address       System.Object&, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Address(int )
Clear         void IList.Clear()                                                                                       
Clone         System.Object Clone(), System.Object ICloneable.Clone()                                                  
CompareTo     int IStructuralComparable.CompareTo(System.Object other, System.Collections.IComparer comparer)          
Contains      bool IList.Contains(System.Object value)                                                                 
CopyTo        void CopyTo(array array, int index), void CopyTo(array array, long index), void ICollection.CopyTo(arr...
Equals        bool Equals(System.Object obj), bool IStructuralEquatable.Equals(System.Object other, System.Collectio...
Get           System.Object Get(int )                                                                                  
GetEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator(), System.Collections.IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerat...
GetHashCode   int GetHashCode(), int IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode(System.Collections.IEqualityComparer comparer)   
GetLength     int GetLength(int dimension)                                                                             
GetLongLength long GetLongLength(int dimension)                                                                        
GetLowerBound int GetLowerBound(int dimension)                                                                         
GetType       type GetType()                                                                                           
GetUpperBound int GetUpperBound(int dimension)                                                                         
GetValue      System.Object GetValue(Params int[] indices), System.Object GetValue(int index), System.Object GetValu...
IndexOf       int IList.IndexOf(System.Object value)                                                                   
Initialize    void Initialize()                                                                                        
Insert        void IList.Insert(int index, System.Object value)                                                        
Remove        void IList.Remove(System.Object value)                                                                   
RemoveAt      void IList.RemoveAt(int index)                                                                           
Set           void Set(int , System.Object )                                                                           
SetValue      void SetValue(System.Object value, int index), void SetValue(System.Object value, int index1, int inde...
ToString      string ToString()                                                                                        

In [11]:
In [12]:
In [13]:
Exception calling "Add" with "1" argument(s): "Collection was of a fixed size."
At line:1 char:1
+ $ary.Add('Jupyter')
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NotSupportedException
In [14]:
$ary += 'Jupyter'

In [15]:
Get-Member -InputObject $ary -MemberType Property | format-table Name, Definition
Name           Definition                   
----           ----------                   
IsFixedSize    bool IsFixedSize {get;}      
IsReadOnly     bool IsReadOnly {get;}       
IsSynchronized bool IsSynchronized {get;}   
Length         int Length {get;}            
LongLength     long LongLength {get;}       
Rank           int Rank {get;}              
SyncRoot       System.Object SyncRoot {get;}

In [16]:
In [34]:
$ary | out-Default
In [17]:
$ary | foreach-object {$_.GetType().FullName; '>>' + $_}
In [18]:
foreach($ar in $ary)
  '>>' + $ar
In [19]:
In [20]:
$ary | ConvertTo-Csv
#TYPE System.String
In [21]:
$ary | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation
  • =>渡されたObjectのPropertyをカラムにして、CSVが作成される。この場合、Stringが渡されるので、そのPropertyのLengthがCSVとなる。
In [22]:
ConvertTo-Csv -inputObject $ary -NoTypeInformation
In [23]:
ConvertTo-Json -inputObject $ary
In [24]:
$ary | Convertto-Json
In [25]:
$ary -join ','
In [26]:
Get-Help about_array

    Describes arrays, which are data structures designed to store 
    collections of items.

    An array is a data structure that is designed to store a collection 
    of items. The items can be the same type or different types.

    Beginning in Windows PowerShell 3.0, a collection of zero or one
    object has some properties of arrays. 

    To create and initialize an array, assign multiple values to a variable.
    The values stored in the array are delimited with a comma and separated
    from the variable name by the assignment operator (=). 

    For example, to create an array named $A that contains the seven
    numeric (int) values of 22, 5, 10, 8, 12, 9, and 80, type:

        $A = 22,5,10,8,12,9,80

    You can also create and initialize an array by using the range 
    operator (..). For example, to create and initialize an array named 
    "$B" that contains the values 5 through 8, type:

        $B = 5..8

    As a result, $B contains four values: 5, 6, 7, and 8.

    When no data type is specified, Windows PowerShell creates each array as
    an object array (type: System.Object[]). To determine the data type of an array, 
    use the GetType() method. For example, to determine the data type of the
    $a array, type:


    To create a strongly typed array, that is, an array that can contain only
    values of a particular type, cast the variable as an array type, such 
    as string[], long[], or int32[]. To cast an array, precede the variable
    name with an array type enclosed in brackets. For example, to create a
    32-bit integer array named $ia containing four integers (1500, 2230, 3350,
    and 4000), type:

        [int32[]]$ia = 1500,2230,3350,4000

    As a result, the $ia array can contain only integers.

    You can create arrays that are cast to any supported type in the
    Microsoft .NET Framework. For example, the objects that Get-Process 
    retrieves to represent processes are of the System.Diagnostics.Process 
    type. To create a strongly typed array of process objects, enter the 
    following command:

        [Diagnostics.Process[]]$zz = Get-Process

    The array sub-expression operator creates an array, even if it 
    contains zero or one object.

    The syntax of the array operator is as follows:
        @( ... )

    You can use the array operator to create an array of zero or 
    one object. 

        PS C:\>$a = @("One")
        PS C:\>$a.Count

        PS C:\>$b = @()
        PS C:\>$b.Count

    The array operator is particularly useful in scripts when
    you are getting objects, but do not know how many objects 
    you will get. 

        PS C:\> $p = @(Get-Process Notepad)

    For more information about the array sub-expression operator,
    see about_Operators.

    You can refer to an array by using its variable name. To display all 
    the elements in the array, type the array name. For example:


    You can refer to the elements in an array by using an index, beginning
    at position 0. Enclose the index number in brackets. For example,
    to display the first element in the $a array, type:


    To display the third element in the $a array, type:


    Negative numbers count from the end of the array. For example, "-1" 
    refers to the last element of the array. To display the last three elements
    of the array, type:


    However, be cautious when using this notation.


    This command does not refer to all the elements of the array, except for 
    the last one. It refers to the first, last, and second-to-last elements
    in the array.
    You can use the range operator to display a subset of all the values in an 
    array. For example, to display the data elements at index position 1 
    through 3, type:


    You can use the plus operator (+) to combine a range with a list of
    elements in an array. For example, to display the elements at index
    positions 0, 2, and 4 through 6, type:


    To determine how many items are in an array, use the Length property
    or its Count alias.


    You can also use looping constructs, such as ForEach, For, and While loops,
    to refer to the elements in an array. For example, to use a ForEach loop
    to display the elements in the $a array, type: 

        foreach ($element in $a) {$element}
    The Foreach loop iterates through the array and returns each value in
    the array until reaching the end of the array.

    The For loop is useful when you are incrementing counters while examining
    the elements in an array. For example, to use a For loop to  return every
    other value in an array, type:

        for ($i = 0; $i -le ($a.length - 1); $i += 2) {$a[$i]}

    You can use a While loop to display the elements in an array until a 
    defined condition is no longer true. For example, to display the elements
    in the $a array while the array index is less than 4, type:

        while($i -lt 4) {$a[$i]; $i++}


    To get the properties and methods of an array, such as the Length 
    property and the SetValue method, use the InputObject parameter of the
    Get-Member cmdlet. 

    When you pipe an array to Get-Member, Windows PowerShell sends the items 
    one at a time and Get-Member returns the type of each item
    in the array (ignoring duplicates). 

    When you use the InputObject parameter, Get-Member returns the
    members of the array. 

    For example, the following command gets the members of the array in the
    $a variable.

        Get-Member -InputObject $a

    You can also get the members of an array by typing a comma (,) before
    the value that is piped to the Get-Member cmdlet. The comma makes the 
    array the second item in an array of arrays. Windows PowerShell pipes
    the arrays one at a time and Get-Member returns the members of the array. 

        ,$a | Get-Member

        ,(1,2,3) | Get-Member

    You can change the elements in an array, add an element to an array, and
    combine the values from two arrays into a third array.

    To change the value of a particular element in an array, specify the
    array name and the index of the element that you want to change, and then
    use the assignment operator (=) to specify a new value for the element. For
    example, to change the value of the second item in the $a array (index
    position 1) to 10, type:

        $a[1] = 10

    You can also use the SetValue method of an array to change a value. The
    following example changes the second value (index position 1) of the $a
    array to 500:


    You can use the += operator to add an element to an array. When you use
    it, Windows PowerShell actually creates a new array with the values of the
    original array and the added value. For example, to add an element with a 
    value of 200 to the array in the $a variable, type:

        $a += 200

    It is not easy to delete elements from an array, but you can create a new
    array that contains only selected elements of an existing array. For
    example, to create the $t array with all the elements in the $a array 
    except for the value at index position 2, type:

        $t = $a[0,1 + 3..($a.length - 1)]

    To combine two arrays into a single array, use the plus operator (+). The
    following example creates two arrays, combines them, and then displays
    the resulting combined array.

        $x = 1,3
        $y = 5,9
        $z = $x + $y

    As a result, the $z array contains 1, 3, 5, and 9.

    To delete an array, assign a value of $null to the array. The following
    command deletes the array in the $a variable. 

        $a = $null

    You can also use the Remove-Item cmdlet, but assigning a value of $null
    is faster, especially for large arrays.

    Beginning in Windows PowerShell 3.0, a collection of zero or one object 
    has the Count and Length property. Also, you can index into an array of
    one object. This feature helps you to avoid scripting errors that occur 
    when a command that expects a collection gets fewer than two items.

    The following examples demonstrate this feature.    
    #Zero objects
        $a = $null

    #One object
        $a = 4



In [ ]:








get-alias | out-string -stream | select-string "new-item"

get-alias | out-string -stream | select-string "Out"

get-alias | out-string -stream | select-string "get-alias"

gal | out-string -stream | sls 'sls'

gal | oss | sls 'dir'






$mydocfolder = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments')



